Which is an abiotic factor of a marine ecosystem


Answer 1
Answer: The water temperature, the speed of currents, the oxygen content, pollution, ect.
Answer 2
Answer: The factors that affect aquatic ecosystems is the rate of water flow, salinity, acidity, oxygen, light levels, depth, and temperature.

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yellow and dominant


In genetics, complete dominance occurs when a gene variant referred to as 'dominant allele' completely masks the expression of another allele referred to as 'recessive allele' in heterozygous individuals (i.e., individuals carrying one copy of the dominant allele and one copy of the recessive allele) at a specific locus. In this case, the yellow (Y) allele is dominant for the trait of 'color seed' with regard to the recessive (y) allele, which is responsible for the phenotype of green seeds, and therefore heterozygous individuals (Yy) will have yellow seeds.

Bleaching is caused by the addition of bleach containing fertilizers that enter marine systems through runoff. True False


The given statement is False

Bleach such as chlorine when mixed in fertilizers acts as a killing agent for plants .The bleach runoff is not affected by the fertilizers containing bleach as they do not kill the Aquatic flora. Marine bleaching is caused due to high temperature of water not because of the fertilizers. In marine bleaching the coral will expel algae when the temperature of water is high. These results in discoloration of corals making them white and they can survive in this condition. This proves that the bleaching inside the marine system is because of high temperature not because of runoff.

false because bleach is not used in fertlizers

The DNA in a cell's nucleus encodes proteins that are eventually targeted to every membrane and compartment in the cell, as well as proteins that are targeted for secretion from the cell.For example, consider these two proteins:1. Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an enzyme that functions in the cytoplasm duringglycolysis.2. Insulin, a protein that regulates blood sugar levels, is secreted from specializedpancreatic cells.Assume that you can track the cellular locations of these two proteins from the time that translation is complete until the proteins reach their final destinations.For each protein, identify its targeting pathway: the sequence of cellular locations in which the protein is found from when translation is complete until it reaches its final (functional) destination. (Note that if an organelle is listed in a pathway, the location implied is inside the organelle, not in the membrane that surrounds the organelle.)Options:Cytoplasm only, ER --> cytoplasm, ER --> Golgi --> outside cell, cytoplasm --> ER --> outside cell, Golgi --> ER --> outside cell, cytoplasm --> Golgi --> outside cell, nucleus --> cytoplasm, ER --> Golgi --> cytoplasm



PFK (protein): cytoplasm only

Insulin (protein): ER->Golgi->outside cell


Fish and larval amphibians live in water. Although their cells produce all three forms - ammonia, urea, and uric acid - the major form of nitrogenous waste that these animals actually excrete in their urine is which, and why




The major form of nitrogenous waste that fish and larval amphibians actually excrete is ammonia because it is easily excreted in water

An ammonotelic organism excretes nitrogenous waste as soluble ammonia

Most of the aquatic animals including protozoans, crustaceans, platyhelminths, cnidarians, poriferans, echinoderms, fishes, larvae / tadpoles of amphibians are ammonotelic

The majority of ammonia produced by typical fish species results from amino acid catabolism via specific deaminases or by transdeamination through the combined actions of aminotransferases and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) where transdeamination is generally considered to be the major route of ammonia production

Which molecule is used by cells as an energy source


ATP or also known as adenosine tri phosphate