Free verse has neither regular rhyme nor formulized regular meter.


Answer 1
Answer: true.

you can do anything you could possibly think up with free verse. there are no rules...

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Which of these sentences using eating as a participle?A. I enjoy eating foods that I have prepared myself.
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Two sentences use "eating" as a participle:

B. My eating habits are a lot healthier than they used to be.

D. This problem has been eating away at me, and I can't sleep.


The gerund and the present participle are identical to the eye. They both are formed by adding -ing to a verb root. Thus, "eating" can be a gerund or a participle, according to the context.

The difference between them is quite simple. The gerund acts like a noun, having the same functions a noun would have in a sentence: subject, object of a verb or of a preposition, and subject complement. The present participle, on the other hand, will either act as an adjective, modifying a noun or a pronoun, or be a part of a continuous tense.

That is precisely what we have in options B and D. In option B, "eating" is an adjective modifying the noun "habits". In letter D, "eating" is a part of the Present Perfect Continuous tense. Therefore, in options B and D, "eating" is a participle:

B. My eating habits are a lot healthier than they used to be.

D. This problem has been eating away at me, and I can't sleep.

What is the main conflict in Beowulf? greed versus generosity good versus evil peace versus unrest love versus hatred


The right answer is "good versus evil".

The poem narrates the adventures of Beowulf, hero with superhuman strength, originating from the tribe of gēatas. Beowulf travels with a small group of warriors to the country, where he is received by the king at Heorot, the grand court hall. As soon as he arrives, the hero offers to free Rodogary and his people from the attacks of Grendel, a monstrous creature described as a descendant of the Cain clan and a true symbol of the incarnate evil that devours whole men. The hero wins and kills Grendel in a duel, using only his bare hands as a weapon. Next, Grendel's mother, also a monstrous creature, comes to avenge her son's death with new carnage. Beowulf follows his trail to an underwater cave, located on a lake inhabited by aquatic monsters, where he fights and wins with a mighty sword, created to kill giants. After this adventure, Beowulf and his warriors return by sea to the land of the gautas.

The account is then cut off by a long temporal ellipse and we find the same Beowulf, already old and king enthroned of his country. Beowulf's arrival to the throne is explained quickly: King Higelac dies in a battle against the Frisians, being succeeded by his son Heardred. He is later killed in a battle against the Swedish troops of King Onela, leaving the gauta throne empty, which is occupied by Beowulf.

Fifty years after being enthroned, Beowulf needs to rid his kingdom of a dragon, which had been awakened by a servant who had stolen a cup from his ancestral treasure, kept under the earth in a mamoa (a man-made funeral hill). Beowulf, armed with a sword (the sword that reads the legend is that of Excalibur that returned to Avalone was in a different format) and an iron shield, enters the cave where is the treasure and the fire-spitting dragon, locking with it a fierce battle. Viglafo, the most faithful of his warriors, enters the cave and helps the king to kill the creature, overthrown by a fatal thrust of Beowulf. This ends up being the last adventure of the hero, who dies due to the terrible wounds caused by the monster. The poem ends with the funeral of Beowulf, who is buried with the treasure in a mamoa on a hill by the sea, from where the navigators could see it.

The main conflict in Beowulf can be described as good versus evil. The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures. The correct option is option (2).

The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures, such as a dragon, Grendel, and Grendel's mother. The animals Beowulf fights against stand in for the forces of goodness, bravery, and heroism while representing chaos and evil.

The conflict between Beowulf and these antagonistic forces drives the narrative and explores themes of heroism, honor, and the struggle between light and darkness.

Therefore, the main conflict in Beowulf can be described as good versus evil. The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures. The correct option is option (2).

To know more about Beowulf:


4. Articles in the Readers' Guide are organized in what manner? A. Alphabetically by subject
B. Chronologically by date of publication
C. Alphabetically by publication name
D. Numerically by call number

6. When beginning to research a given topic, it's important to

A. browse different types of books and Internet sites.
B. remember your topic and stay focused.
C. look at books on every aspect of your topic.
D. understand that quality sources can't be found online.

7. Which one of the following is an indicator that a source may not be accurate?

A. The writing is sub-par or contains errors.
B. The author is using emotionally charged language and inappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.
D. You're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.

11. You've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay. The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is

A. inspect each book jacket for notes about the author.
B. study the table of contents carefully in each book.
C. examine the index of each book.
D. browse each book from front to back.

15. Under the Library of Congress system, where would you begin to search for books on the legal system of Greece?

A. G
B. U
C. E
D. K

19. If your goal is to obtain information about laws governing special education policies in elementary schools, which of these searches would return the best results?

A. Governing education policies
B. Special education laws elementary schools
C. Special education laws
D. Education elementary schools

20. In searching an online catalog for books by James Joyce, which of the following searches would be most effective?

A. The year he was born
B. The author's name
C. The name of his publishing company
D. A title of one of his books


4. Articles in the Readers' Guide are organized alphabetically by subject.
6. When beginning to research a given topic, it's important to look at books on every aspect of your topic.
7. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations is an indicator that a source is not reliable.
11. The first thing one should do in determining if any of the books will be useful is to examine the index of each book. 
15. Classification "K" have books about the legal system of Greece.
19. "Special education laws elementary schools" would return the best results.
20. The author's name is the best effective in searching an online catalog for books by James Joyce.

The phrase "Rowing in Eden" is an example of which of these poetic devices


What are the Options?

the options are





What effect does the phrase “intently fastened” have on grasping the story’s historical context? a.puritan society admired the craftsmanship of the well-sealed door of the prison.
b.puritan society was more interested in the prison than anything else.
c.puritan society was easily distracted by the summer morning.


B. Puritan society was more interesting in the prison than anything else 


Puritan society was more interested in the prison than anything else.


What is propaganda? A.

distributing information in simple language to aid the spread of health practices such as a vaccination for public safety


distributing information in simple language to increase literacy among the most disadvantaged citizens


distributing information, ideas, or rumors in order to help or harm a person, institution, or nation


distributing information or ideas by government agencies to aid public awareness of government policies


C distribution information, ideas or rumors in order to help or harm a person,institution or nation

its c but there is a slight chance it could be d