What is one right guaranteed by the English Bill of Right?


Answer 1
Answer: The right to bare arms, The freedom of press, The freedom of religion, The freedom of speech, The housing of soldiers, Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, Protection of rights to Life, Liberty, and Property,Rights of accused persons in criminal cases, Rights in civil cases, Excessive Bail, Fines, and Punishments forbidden, Other rights kept by the people, And Undelegated Powers kept by the states and the people.

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Hope this helped :)

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to help maintain a strong military without having to pay salaries the tang military was made up of??? the answer is b farmers

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It helped him come up with the theory of gravity and the laws of gravity. This also helped him understand how it all worked. 

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Why was president Polk willing to go to war with Mexico



to further the idea of Manifest Destiny


Manifest Destiny was simply the belief that God has destined the U.S., especially the white Anglo-Saxon race within the U.S., to expand to and rule the North American continent.

This term was used in the the 1840s, especially by James Knox Polk who was the 11th president of the U.S. between 1845 and 1849, as a justification for the war with Mexico.


(this is NOT my answer but i found it) on google U.S. annexation of Texas in 1845 sparked the conflict. Mexico viewed Texas as a breakaway province and refused to recognize its 1836 secession. When Polk ordered forces south to the Rio Grande, entering territory claimed by Mexico, the Mexican army attacked them, justifying to Polk the need to go to war.
