What does central idea means?


Answer 1
Answer: The central idea is the central, unifying element of the story, which ties together all of the other elements of fiction used by the author to tell the story. The central ideacan be best described as the dominant impression or the universal, generic truth found in the story.

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The vague or unacceptable word in the following sentence is _____.The picture isn’t no good.

A. good

B. isn’t

C. no



The correct option is "no"


Although double negatives, which consist of two negative words in the same sentence, are sometimes used in informal speech as well as in songs lyrics, they are not encouraged in the English language because they not only reflect poor grammar but also they can be confusing.  

Bearing the above in mind, it could be said that in the sentence "The picture isn’t no good", the vague or unacceptable word is no.

The answer is No. The sentence should say The picture isn't any good.

Which sentence best describes clustering?A. You're generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs.
B. You're generating words that suggest possible themes for an essay.
C. You write down words or ideas in chronological order.
D. You write down words or ideas that occur to you in no particular order.


The answer is letter A. You're generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs.
It is notchronological or suggests possible themes. Clustering only happens when thereis a theme already. When in clustering, thoughts are tumbled out, enlargingvocabulary word bank and enabling to see patterns of ideas. It may be doneindividually or by class.
Clustering is akin tobrainstorming. It is an activity wherein ideas, images, and feelings aregenerated around a stimulus. 

Which lines in this excerpt from the poem "Consumption" by William Cullen Bryant reflect the theme of the poem? (The word consumption refers to tuberculosis.) The fields for thee have no medicinal leaf, And the vexed ore no mineral of power; And they who love thee wait in anxious grief Till the slow plague shall bring the final hour. Glide softly to thy rest then; Death should come Gently, to one of gentle mould like thee, As light winds wandering through groves of bloom Detach the delicate blossom from the tree. Close thy sweet eyes, calmly, and without pain; And we will trust in God to see thee yet again.


I think that the lines that best mirrors the theme of the poem of WIlliam Cullen Bryant entitled as "Consumption'' would be these parts:

'Glide softly to thy rest then;
Death should come Gently, 
to one of gentle mould like thee, 
As light winds wandering through groves of bloom'

I chose it because being consumed by the disease is mirrored with death coming gently 'into the mould' or the person.


The correct answers are:

"Glide softly to thy rest then;"

"And we will trust in God to see thee yet again."


Where did Dante live during his exileA. Sicily
B. he traveled around Italy
C.he never found a home, because he passed away soon after being exiled
D. France


The answer is B: he traveled around Italy.

What is known certainly about Dante´s exile, during which he conceived and finished his master work, The Divine Comedy, is that he moved around what is now called Italy without remaining in one single place, and never returning to Florence, from where he was banished. Some sources would have him travelling to other countries, such as what is now France and even Britain, Oxford, in particular, but those sources are more literary than factual.

During his exile, Dante, B. he traveled around Italy.

Why was Dante exiled?

Dante was exiled because of an accusation of corruption and financial misappropriation. Dante was threatened with execution for this reason, however, he was later exiled.

After his exile, Dnate went to several places in Italy. He was believed to have settled in the city of Ravenna where he wrote his book and thrived till his death in 1321. So, the best option that explains where Dante lived during his exile is option B.

Learn more about Dante here:



What is the role of syntax in writing? to influence the mood through word choice to guide the structure of sentences to use word connotations to great effect to help make explanations more specific


The correct answer is to guide the structure of sentences.

Syntax is a part of grammar that has to do with structure of texts and their smaller parts, such as paragraphs and sentences. It refers to the combination of words in order to create larger, more meaningful elements, such as sentences that make up texts. So, syntax is important because without it, sentences wouldn't make much sense.

To guide the structure sentences

Which line from "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau may have influenced John Lewis's beliefs?A. I think sometimes, Why, this people mean well; they are only ignorant; they would do better if they knew how: why give your neighbors this pain to treat you as they are not inclined to?

B. It was formerly the custom in our village, when a poor debtor came out of jail, for his acquaintances to salute him, looking through their fingers, which were crossed to represent the grating of a jail window, "How do ye do?"

C. I have never declined paying the highway tax, because I am as desirous of being a good neighbor as I am of being a bad subject; and as for supporting schools, I am doing my part to educate my fellow-countrymen now.

D. If others pay the tax which is demanded of me, from a sympathy with the State, they do but what they have already done in their own case, or rather they abet injustice to a greater extent than the State requires.

E. I asked him in my turn how he came there, presuming him to be an honest man, of course; and, as the world goes, I believe he was.


The correct option is B

Civil disobedience is the title of a conference written by Henry David Thoreau that was published in 1848. In this paper Thoreau explains the basic principles of civil disobedience that he put into practice: in the summer of 1846 he refused to pay his taxes so he was arrested and locked up in Concord prison. He justified himself by explaining that he refused to collaborate with a state that maintained the slavery regime and undertook unjustified wars, in that specific case against Mexico.


