what happens to the thickness of the uterine lining when the level of progesterone reaches its highest level?


Answer 1


Becomes thick with blood vessels passing through


Progesterone levels are the highest in the middle of the  luteal phase i.e at the eighth or ninth day of menstural cycle. it is the hormone which is released after ovulation. It is produced by the corpus luteum (an area created by the collapsed follicle) which consists of ovulated egg. At this stage the uterus lining gets thick and also estrogen is at high level. If the conception does not takes place the level of progesterone falls as the corpus luteum starts to break.

Answer 2
Answer: What happens at that point is that the lining sheds through the vagina otherwise known as the menstrual cycle which occurs if the egg has not been fertilized.

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The correct answer is production of nerve tissue, which may help in treating paralyzed patients.


Cloning that is developed mainly as a therapy for a disorder is considered as the therapeutic cloning. In this form of cloning, the nucleus from the cell is withdrawn and is kept within a fertilized egg that does not possess a nucleus. It permits the self-cells of the individuals to be utilized in curing the condition, without imparting the threat of presenting foreign cells, which may get rejected.

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The picture below shows what kind of plant root?



Tap root


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  • There are two major types of root systems, namely, the tap root system and the fibrous root system.
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Mammals that give birth to under-developed young that must continue developing in a pouch-like structure are termeda. monotremes.
b. marsupials.
c. placentals.
d. bird-like.


The answer is b. marsupials. 

Monotremes, marsupials, and placentals are groups of mammals that mainly differ in modes of reproduction.
Marsupials are the group of mammals that give birth to under-developed young. The young continue their development inside a pouch-like structure. The most famous marsupials are kangaroos, koalas, opossums, numbats, etc.

Monotremes are the group of mammals that lay eggs, so they do not give birth to live young.
Placentals are mammals that give birth to fully developed young. The young develop inside a mother's uterus.