What is the number one obstacle or barrier that prevents people from being constantly active


Answer 1
Answer: Technology and lack of physical movement
Answer 2

People not having enough time.

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The correct answer is option D.


A cross-sectional survey is a research survey generally use to develop a physiological study. It is based on the collection and analysis of the data from a population or a subset group at a particular time.

Study B is providing a better understanding of fulfilling the criteria for providing and ascertaining the causality between the variables.

Thus, the correct answer is option - d.

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The correct answer i am pretty sure is right is the third option. They do tell lies but they dont tell you that on advertisments so they tell you stuff to persuade to buy something or get something. Does that make sense.
its the 3rd option ....

The place where the axon terminal from one nerve cell transfers an impulse to another nerve cell


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the safest and most effective way to get a deeper stretch is lean into it and excel

If we force our body to stretch without letting our body get used to it, we will most likely pulled our muscle or even tear our joints.
We need to gradually increase the flexibility in our joints by increasing the stretching intensity little by little

A doctor determines that a fetus is in a head down position and that the lungs are fully developed. when might this happen?A. second trimester
B. throughout pregnancy
C. third trimester
D. first trimester


I'm going to say third trimester for the reason that when most baby's are born their heads come out first in most cases. For the most part, they travel down the birth canal head first. If that doesn't happy the doctor tries to position the baby so that it won't be a breached birth meaning the legs come out first. By the head coming out first the baby is able to have an air supply where as with a breached birth that doesn't happen.

Hopefully this helped and good luck. 

The principle of specificity refers to the concept that improvements in the various fitness areas require specific kinds of activity. True False


The statement that the principle of specificity refers to the concept that improvements in the various fitness areas require specific kinds of activity is true.  This means that the activity must be relevant and appropriate to the sport. Example: marathon runner should train long runs, short runs and burst runs, but also specific muscles. For a basketball player the training should consist of agility and bursts of speed as well as shooting accuracy.

the answer is true it requires specific kinds of activity