The sturm und drang movement celebrated aristocracy and authority true or false


Answer 1




Strum und drag was an eighteenth century German literary movement which encouraged emotion, nature and human individualism. In that respect, it was born in contrast to rationalism, which believed that ideas and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. Promoters of strum und drag were poets Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller.

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What is your personal opinion on this quote?"I think maybe people kill themselves simply to stop the debate about whether they will or they wont"


Its true in some cases but not in others 
My Personal opinion on this quote is
I think Thay kill themselves because Thay are alone scared and thay think that thay don't matter I think we need to star spreding the word that there is hope for them

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b. Lindner's good manners and polite words show that segregation can be subtle and indirect.


This is the best way to describe the way in which the playwright uses dialogue to develop the message in this passage. In this passage, we learn that Lindner tells the family that he does not believe they should live in Clybourne Park. He is being racist. However, he conveys this meaning through polite words and good manners. This shows that segregation can sometimes be subtle and indirect.


The Answer Above is Correct


How do the skulls symbolize the theme in the battle of Blenheim


The skull symbolizes the great and famous victory they had during the war. The poem used the phrase "great victory" and "famous victory" many times. Famous in the sense that even younger ones like Wilhelmine and Peterkin would know because the skulls they saw become the proof of their great victory and is the cause of their freedom. 

Fish is to water as what is to air


people is to air is the answer im pretty sure


Fish is to water as a bird is to air.

Correct answer is Bird.


Just got it correct on the test.

Which of the following is an indirect source?A- a source that cited in another source

B- a source with no title

C- a source with no known author

D- a source with no publication date


A- a source that cited in another source
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