Name all of the sphincters that appear along the gastrointstinal tract:


Answer 1
Answer: There are several sphincters that appear along the gastrointestinal tract in the human body. The sphincters are; upper esophageal, lower esophageal, pyloric, ileocaecal, and the inner and outer anal sphincters. 

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often mirror our ethics in everyday life

Which organ is responsible for breaking down alcohol in the body?


It is the liver that breaks down most of the alcohol.
I think it is the kidney

What does excess postexercise oxygen consumption represent? - the amount of oxygen equal to the oxygen already used - amount of oxygen needed for aerobic activity to accomplish the same amount of work - the difference between the amount of oxygen needed for totally aerobic muscle activity and the amount actually used - the amount of oxygen taken into the body immediately after the exertion



Option (3).


Excess post exercise oxygen consumption may be defined as the increase in the rate of the oxygen after the strenous exercise. This also explains the amount of the aerobic exercises.

The excess post exercise oxygen represent the actual difference between the the amount of the oxygen that are needed for the total aerobic muscle activity and the amount of the oxygen actually used.

Thus, the correct answer is option (3).

Final answer:

Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) is the extra oxygen required by the body to recover after a workout. This is used to replenish energy stores, repair muscles and restore hormone balances. This process results in a continued higher metabolic rate, leading to further calorie burn.


Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, often abbreviated as EPOC, is a physiological phenomenon that represents the amount of oxygen the body requires to recover after a workout or physical exertion has ended. This oxygen is required for processes such as repairing muscle tissue, restoring hormone balances, and replenishing energy stores, which were used during the exercise. It's the difference between the oxygen needed for total aerobic muscle activity and the amount actually used. The body needs to replace the used oxygen to return to baseline or normal bodily function and continue with aerobic respiration. When the exercise is over, your body doesn't immediately return to its normal metabolic rate. Instead, it will stay elevated for a period of time, resulting in more calorie burn, often referred to as 'afterburn'.

Learn more about EPOC here:


2 Describe How a conflict of interest can be addressed between the carer and an individual with dementia whilst balancing rights, choices and risk


In front of the eyes of the law, a recruiter couldn't discriminate an employees based on disabilities.

but the problem is , it's very risky to hire someone with dementia because his control over his mind could be relapsed at any moment, which make him a little bit unproductive compared to others , not even mentioning the potential harm that may occur to him in the work place. This will create a conflict of interest.

hope this helps

How does regular exercise help maintain a healthy respiratory system?


The best remedy of course lies in the practice of physical exercise. To be effective, it must be regular, even daily. The benefits of regular physical exercise are multiple:

· It helps fight against ankylosis and osteoporosis and contributes to harmonious muscular development.

· It burns excess fat and sugar that clogs up the body, reduces overweight by replacing part of the fat mass by a good quality musculature. By burning blood fats, it lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol (L.D.L. and triglycerides) and increases that of "good" cholesterol H.D.L., protective of our arteries. It helps to delay arterial sclerosis.

· It regulates blood pressure and increases cardiac output.

· It is an essential factor of good respiratory health. Exercise increases ventilation and circulation in the bronchi and lungs. It is one of the best ways to ensure good drainage of bronchial and sinus secretions, and to fight against the nasal obstruction so common in those who spend most of their time in rooms too heated, too dry, sometimes smoky, while eating to excess without "moving" their body.

· It ensures a better nervous balance, helps to fight against stress and to free oneself from the harmful excitement provided by tobacco with alcohol; it facilitates a good quality sleep, including deep sleep and restorative.

Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy respiratory system because it helps fight off diseases since one main part of the respiratory system is the nasal passages.

What can you do to create a cohesive working team in your office?


I'll tell you 8 steps:
- Establish a mission.
- Look for diversity 
- practice teamwork.
- utilize individual strengths.
- communicate effectively
- give feedback
- ask for feedback
- celebrate success :)