What are two things Lee hoped to accomplish by invading the North?


Answer 1
Answer: There were numerous things that General Robert E. Lee had hoped to accomplish by invading the Northern United States. Two of the most important things were to get more army supplies for the Southern troops. He also had hoped to convince England to come back to the South for their help. 
Answer 2



- convince England to back the South

- secure badly needed war supplies

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how the slave population would be counted

Final answer:

The Three-Fifths Compromise addressed the issue of counting enslaved people for the purpose of representation and tax distribution in the United States. It was reached during the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787, allowing three-fifths of the enslaved population to be counted for these purposes. This gave added political power to slaveholding states.


The issue addressed by the Three-Fifths Compromise was the matter of counting enslaved people in the population for the purposes of representation and taxation in the United States. This compromise, reached during the political negotiations surrounding the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787, determined that three out of every five enslaved people would be counted when calculating a state's population for these matters. While this gave added political power to slave-holding states, it was not as much as if the total population, both free and enslaved, had been used.

The solution was a contentious point between northern and southern states. Northern states wanted only free people to be counted for representation, thereby reducing the influence of slaveholding southern states in the federal government. Southern states, on the other hand, wanted slaves to be fully counted to bolster their representation.

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a significant factor in the distribution of power in the early United States, and it had implications for the politics around slavery. Though it gave some political benefits to southern states, it also underscored the blatant contradiction between the democratic ideals touted by the nation and the existence of slavery within its borders.

Learn more about Three-Fifths Compromise here:



U.S. president Franklind. Roosevelt proposed a massive package of Depression relief called the Great Society.
a. True
b. False


False, he created the 3Rs,

Relief, Recovery and Reform! and introduced many other laws like TVA, WPA, CCC, AAA, FCA and HOLC.

he also introduced the BEEF:

B: Beer Act

E: Emergency Banking Act

E: Economy Act

F :Fireside Chats

False, was called the New Deal

Why might people want to blame a minority group for most of their country’s problems?


As humans, we often look to blame our problems on others. The best example of this would be Nazi Germany. Germany was facing massive debt, and though the problems were mostly with the government, Hitler diverted the problem by giving the people a common enemy: minorities. Minorities were unable to fight back, and with a common enemy for the people to focus on, Hitler was able to seize power.

Was an element of vedic religion which supposedly helped to induce hallucinogenic capacities.


The element was a drink called soma.

Soma was a drink used in ancient India, in the vedic religion. It was a ritual drink but its origins are not clear. It was a juice probably made from a hallucinogenic mountain plant. Because the drink was causing hallucinations, it is believed that it came from plants such as cannabis, opium and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Drinking soma produced immortality and it brought humans closer to gods. Soma is often compared to the Grek drink, ambrosia. Drinking soma gave mortals visions that were thought to be divine.

Why did some American Revolutionary leaders believe a central government was necessary?A) They did not want the states to have any rights.
B) A central government was necessary to lead an army and deal with other nations.
C) Many believed this was the only way to prevent corruption in the government.
D) Without a central government, it would be impossible to prevent the English from taking over.


B) A central government was necessary to lead an army and deal with other nations" would be the best option, but many also thought it was necessary in order to raise revenue that could be used to repay war debts. 

The answer is b(a central government was necessary to lead an army and deal with other nations

Germany became a satellite of the Soviet Union following World War II.


Are you asking whether this is true? We'll,  yes and no. 

Germany was split into two countries after WW2: into West Germany, which was under the control of western countries :US, UK  and Italy,  and later became complety independent  and into East Germany which was in fact a Society Union satellite. 


