What was the main goal of the Military Reconstruction Act? A) The act called for a complete overhaul of the Confederate Army, with officers reevaluated based on their performance during the Civil War.
B) The act created safe havens for black Americans to present their cases against military officers for abuse and fraud.
C) The act divided the South into five military districts and put officers in charge of making sure states rewrote their constitutions.
D) The act prohibited individuals from joining the military unless they had been pardoned for supporting the Confederacy.


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "A) The act called for a complete overhaul of the Confederate Army, with officers reevaluated based on their performance during the Civil War." This is the main goal of the Military Reconstruction Act.

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Primary productivity is not limited by _______.a.
the availability of sunlight
the availability of nutrients
access to water


The correct answer is "B".

Primary productivity is the rate at which plants produce organic compounds in an ecosystem. The elements that serve as parameters, in other words, restraint the production of organic compounds are:

  • Sunlight, as it is the essential energy source for the synthesis to occur.
  • Nutrients which are located in the soil are essential for the plant's survival.
  • Availability to water, as it is an essential resource need for a plants subsistence.


The answer is b i did the quiz on edg.


Locke’s belief in the social contract between a government and its people meant thatLocke’s belief in the social contract between a government and its people meant thatcitizens should agree to obey their government as long as the government protected their natural rights.

the government holds absolute authority and should determine all the rights of its citizens.

citizens should not have to obey the laws of government and should only be concerned with their individual rights.

kings, queens, and other royals must obey the same laws as the citizens of a country.


1) Citizens should agree to obey their government as long as the government protected their natural rights.

In his "Two Treatises of Government" (1689), John Locke claimed that men are by nature free and equal, but with the purpose to interact in a healthy society, it was necessary that they transferred some of their rights to a government. Such government had to be elected by the people and changed by the people; it had to be divided into legislative and executive powers and had to make decisions that benefit the citizens, that is to say, that protected their natural rights, and whenever it failed to do so, it was people's duty to replace the government.


A. citizens should agree to obey their government as long as the government protected their natural rights.


I just took the quiz

Which statment best describes philoshies of john locke


Well, considering you have no options lol this might help;
There is no need for government since natural law will ensure that humanity continues to progress.
Hope it helps :)

john locke believed in life liberty and the right to own property

The major US acquisitions of land from Mexico during the mid-1800s were


The United States Territorial Acquisitions  

Why was the concept of manifest destiny of particular appeal to Americans in the 1840s?


Manifest Destiny It was the “destiny” of the United States to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific and, some believed, we would also benefit the economy of the nation if we expanded south into Mexico and north into Canada. Americans in the mid 1800s came to believe that they had an obligation to increase the domain over which their democracy and liberty would benefit all. Economically, Manifest Destiny was favored by industrialists, businessmen, and the developing transportation industry. We would acquire the needed raw materials and also provide products to sell to the peoples in the areas we controlled. Politicians favored Manifest Destiny because it would expand our system of government into areas that were corrupt or incompetent. Most of the public supported Manifest Destiny because it brought a feeling of pride in our nation, a patriotic and nationalistic duty to help others.