we can measure how acidic something is by measuring its pH the lower the pH the more acidic it is the pH of milk is often 6.7 the pH of yoghurt is 4.5 explain what causes this change in pH as milk is changed to yoghurt​


Answer 1

The causes of changing the pH of milk into yogurt are that the lactose in the milk is converted into lactic acid, which leaves the pH.


When the pH drops below pH5. The micelles of the caseins, a hydrophobic protein, lose its territory structure due to the protonation of the amino acid residues.

So the production of the amino acids forms the basic structure and texture of the yogurt. To turn the milk into the yogurt the first process is to ferment the milk and turning the lactose sugar in the milk into the lactic acid, then the lactic acid converted into the yogurt.

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What does reproductive isolation within a species cause?A. A decrease in genetic drift
B. A decrease in gene flow
C. An increase in gene flow
D. an increase in genetic drift


Reproductive isolation within a species causes is an increase in gene flow. The correct option is C.

What is reproductive isolation?

Reproduction isolation is a mechanism constituted by some factors like behavior, physiological process, etc. by which the species does not reproduce with other species.

Gene flow is the flow of genes in forward generations, and reproduction isolation increase the gene flow within species.

Thus, option C. An increase in gene flow is correct.

Learn more about reproductive isolation, here:






i did this in class a few days ago i know this is right

Biology students used raw eggs in an experiment on tonicity and osmosis. The students put their eggs into vinegar to remove the shells. The vinegar was used to remove the shell form the raw egg. What other effect(s) did the vinegar have on the egg?a: the vinegar solution was hypotonic , causing the egg to gain mass
b: the vinegar solution was hypotonic , causing the egg to lose mass
c: the vinegar solution was hypertonic , causing the egg to gain mass
d: the vinegar solution was isotonic to the egg so the mass remained constant


a) is the right answer

A would be the answer because the vinegar solution had a Chemical reaction with the outer shell of the egg causing the egg to swell and absorb the vinegar

what would happen if the relative concentration ofxygen inside the lung snf in teh blood became equal to each other


Molecules only move across the blood - air barrier if there is a difference in concentration.
So I think that nothing would happen!

Kemukakan beberapa pendapat kamu tentang kitab kitab allah swt. sebelum al-quran


Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil revealed to Isa (Jesus)

Further explanation

The Islamic religion views is that God, who is above all merciful, constantly sends prophets and apostles to remind humans of God's "straight path". And also to reminds the distinction between permitted (halal) and prohibited (haram)

The Quran was orally revealed by God to the final Prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril). The Holy Quran, is the last book of Allah (SWT) conveying the message of kindness, absolution and peace for human kind.

Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra (Torah or the Law) revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur (Mizmor/Zemirot or Psalms) revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil (Euangélion/Ewwangelliwon or the Gospel) revealed to Isa (Jesus)

The word Torah occurs eighteen times and the name of Moses is mentioned 136 times in the Quran. Whereas Zabur occurs three times in the Qur'an (4, 163; 17, 55; 21, 105), and the word Injil occurs twelve times in the Qur'an and refers to the revelation transmitted by Isa.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about the holy book of Allah SWT brainly.com/question/1103786

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject: Islamic religion

Chapter:  holy book of Allah SWT

Keywords:  holy book of Allah SWT

Allah mengutus quran sebagai bukti dan mukjizat bagi orang yang percaya untuk melihat. Juga untuk orang-orang yang tidak mahu mengakui bahawa Allah adalah satu-satunya tuhan. Ini adalah kepercayaan orang-orang Islam. Itulah sebabnya Allah memanggil mereka " Ayat " kerana mereka adalah mukjizat daripada orang -orang yang beriman. 

Pesticides, such as DDT, often have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems. One harmful effect would be that these pesticidesA) cause fish to become sterile and unable to lay eggs.
B) cause algae and plants to overgrow and pollute the water when they die.
C) accumulate in animals and build up in toxic concentrations as they pass through the food chain.
D) eliminate most of the algae and plants in the food chain, causing animals to starve, at higher levels of the food chain.



Pesticides, such as DDT, often have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems because they accumulate in animals and build up in toxic concentrations as they pass through the food chain. This is referred to as bioaccumulation.


As the DDT is ingested it accumulates in the body tissues because the body of the organisms is unable to break down and excrete the chemicals fast enough or at all. This bioaccumulation also goes up the food chain/web as higher organisms prey on the lower organism on the web. For example, the aphids feed on the leaves sprayed with DDT. They are then preyed on by beetles and flies and bugs. These bugs are then eaten by birds. Eventually, the DDT will be found in the tissues of the birds, even in higher concentrations (due to biomagnification).

Learn More:

For more on bioaccumulation check out;



