For this assessment, you must demonstrate your understanding of conflict in Act III of Romeo and Juliet by identifying passages from the play that illustrate two different types of conflict. Select two of the following characters: Romeo Juliet Mercutio Tybalt Capulet Nurse Once you have selected two characters, look at the script for Act III. Find passages that you believe accurately portray both characters' conflicts. Identify whether these conflicts are Man vs. Man, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Nature, or Man vs. Self. Explain your answer using proper spelling and grammar.Really need some help with this, I've done the main work just need help getting evidence for it (:


Answer 1

Act III of Romeo and Juliet is filled with conflicts of various types, which include Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, and Man vs. Society.

What is the conflict Romeo depicting?

In Act III of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Tybalt are the two characters who experience different types of conflict. The conflict of Romeo is a Man vs. Self-conflict. He is torn between his love for Juliet and his loyalty to his friend Mercutio.

In Act III, when Romeo says, "O sweet Juliet, / Thy beauty hath made me effeminate / And in my temper softened valor’s steel!", he is conflicted as he should defend his honor or continue loving Juliet.

The conflict Tybalt is a Man vs. Man conflict, where he wants to fight Romeo and avenge the honor of his family. In Act III, when he says, What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word / As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee, Tybalt sees Romeo as a representative of the Montague family.

Therefore, Act III of Romeo and Juliet is filled with conflicts, which includes Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, and Man vs. Society. These conflicts create tension between the characters, which leads to the tragic conclusion of the play.

Learn more about Romeo here:


Answer 2


The conflict is man vs man



Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford

No better term than this, thou art a villain.


Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee

Doth much excuse the appertaining rage

To such a greeting: villain am I none;

Therefore farewell; I see thou know'st me not.


Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries

That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw.


I do protest, I never injured thee,

But love thee better than thou canst devise,

Till thou shalt know the reason of my love:

And so, good Capulet, which name I tender

As dearly as my own,—be satisfied.

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p.s this needs answered quick so help:) I will give 30 POINTS!!!


The resolution of Lizabeth’s conflict in “Marigolds” develop the theme as:

Lizabeth realizes that Miss Lottie is not mean but a broken person trying to create beauty in her world.

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Lizabeth is able to express her deep anger by ripping up all of Miss Lottie’s marigolds.

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My school is the oldest in our town, and it is three stories high" is the sentence with the faulty coordination. The age of the school has nothing to do with the height of the school.

The sentence that contains a faulty coordination is "My school is the oldest in our town, and it is three stories high." since both ideas that are conected are not related to each other.

Faulty coordiantion occurs when joining two sentences in a way that make their meaning illogical.

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how do I say sorry to my mom? in a meaningful way cause I wanna say it to her but I feel like it won't mean anything if I just say I'm sorry. I messed up really bad and now she won't even look at me as her daughter. this whole situation is my fault and revolves around jealousy. idk what do do and idk why im here but someone help me



Well it all depends on what it was about, you could speak to her and apologize by saying how sorry you are, and how you promise for it to never happen again. I know this may be tough but you have to earn her trust, promise you'll try your best to behave and she can punish you if she has to.


heres an example, "Mom, I'm sorry I acted that was towards you and i know it made you upset and annoyed at me, I promise ill try my very best for it to not happen again to be better behaved. I just want to say sorry that we had to argue like that but I love you and don't want this to get between us."


Try to be as meaningful as you can


Add detail, make it sound more meaningful, add "I hope", ( Ex. I hope you

will forgive me.) say I'm sorry multiple times, show how you feel, and hug at the end.

Such as,

I'm very sorry, I hope you will forgive me, I feel bad for bothering you or annoying you in a way that I don't understand. I messed up a lot, and I hope you can forgive me. I am truly sorry for acting like this. I will do anything to help you and I hope you can forgive me. ( hug* )

Hope this helps tho ^^

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William Shakespeare recreated this story when he wrote the play Romeo and Juliet

Final answer:

Pyramus and Thisbe speak to each other through a small crack in the wall, using whispers and gestures to communicate their love.


In the play 'Pyramus and Thisbe', Pyramus and Thisbe speak to one another through a small crack in the wall that separates their houses. They use whispers and gestures to communicate their love for each other.

For example, in Act 5, Scene 1, Pyramus says, 'O kiss me through the hole of this vile wall!' and Thisbe replies, 'I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all.' They continue to exchange their messages, with Pyramus expressing his desire and longing, and Thisbe responding in kind.

Although they can't physically touch or see each other, their communication shows their deep affection and the obstacles they face in their forbidden love.

Learn more about Pyramus and Thisbe here:


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The light that shed on the father's perspective in Rita Dove's poem "Daystar" with the line "But I could not understand it. How could it be restful to sit alone in an uncomfortable chair far into the night, in darkness?" would be that the speaker's father does not worry about anything when he is alone or in solitude.