How does this image illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?
How does this image illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine - 1


Answer 1
Answer: i am assuming this is a list of these options It is an example of sophisticated mosaic art commonly found in Byzantine structures. 
 It is an example of realistic paintings commonly found in Byzantine structures. 
 It shows how the Byzantines used art to call attention to social issues. 
 It shows how the Byzantines used art to depict everyday life and common people. in which case it is A

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How was Russia's role in the events leading to world war 1 different from that of Austria-Hungary?



  • Austria-Hungary was responding to a direct attack against members of its royal family.  Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by terrorists in Sarajevo, Serbia.  Austria-Hungary held Serbia responsible.
  • Russia mobilized troops in keeping with an alliance it had with Serbia, offering them protection against the threatened military action by Austria-Hungary.

More details:

Various systems of alliances were put in place before World War I.  The two main alliance systems were the Triple Entente, which had Britain, France and Russia as allies, and the Triple Alliance, which had Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy as allies.  There were also other alliances, such as Russia taking on recently independent Serbia as an ally, as both had ethnic Slavic populations.

So here's how the start of World War I happened. When the Austrian prince and his wife were assassinated in Serbia, the Austrian government threatened the nation of Serbia with retaliatory action (even though the assassination was carried out by a terrorist group, not the Serbian government). Russia responded to Austria's threat, because Russia was bound to protect its Slavic ally, Serbia. Germany responded to the mobilization of Russian troops, and when Germany declared war on Russia in 1914, they implemented a military plan (the Schlieffen Plan), which assumed war would mean they'd have to take on all members of the Triple Entente alliance.  So as soon as Germany declared war on Russia, they sent troops to go attack France.  That pulled France and Britain into the war immediately as well, and the war spread and became a global conflict.


Russia was a member of the Triple Entente, while Austria-Hungary was a member of the Triple Alliance.


Which leader helped to form the Niagara movement?


W.E.B Du Bois led the Niagara movement  
W.E.B Du Bois and William Monroe should be you're answer

An effect of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was that


An effect of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was that thousands of settlers looking to inhabit new territories moved to these areas for very little money. 

An effect was :  Because the government encouraged Western expansion through the passage of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, many Native Americans were forced to give up their land to the white settlers and move on to the land West.

The Andes region of South America contains one of the world's largest rain forests. True False



When we think of rainforests, we most likely think first of the Amazon basin in South America. That's appropriate, as the Amazon rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest. But where the Amazon basin meets the Andes mountains, there is enormous biodiversity. The northern portion of the Andes, bordering on the Amazon rainforest, is known as the Tropical Andes. In the Tropical Andes, the pattern of vegetation includes includes tropical rainforests at 1,600 to 4,900 feet above sea level, and also cloud forests ranging from 2,600 to 11,500 feet. Cloud forests (also known as water forests) are evergreen and typically have low-level cloud cover enveloping them.


It is False as the amazon is not in the Andes.


Britain created the provinces of upper Canada and lower canada when it passed thea. British Act of Union of 1840
b. British North America Act of 1867
c. Constitutional Act of 1791
d. Proclamation of 1763


Britain created the provinces of upper Canada and lower Canada when it passed the "c. Constitutional Act of 1791" since this did not generally affect the other areas of Canada.