Which excerpt from The Odyssey best shows that the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home?


Answer 1
Answer: As noted by the other respondent, this quotation from The Odyssey demonstrates the value the Greeks placed on the idea of home:
"I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches, and called the rest: ‘All hands aboard; come, clear the beach and no one taste the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home.’"

Some context:
The overall story arc of Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, is one of going home.  The whole ten-year journey of Odysseus is ultimately aimed at getting home again to his wife and son.  Odysseus must endure many trials and difficulties in order to get home.  Meanwhile, back at home, his wife, Penelope, has her own challenges to face in keeping home intact for them and their relationship.  She must show her endurance and perseverance in the face of suitors who have other designs on her and her household.
Answer 2

Answer: D


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B. Debt from years of fighting wars


Fighting many expensive wars was the main cause for Britain's financial problems in the mid-1700s and their national debt.

The French and Indian War was especially costly, almost doubling Britain's debt. This led Britain to impose taxes on the colonists to get some money back.

Final answer:

Britain's financial problems in the mid-1700s were primarily caused by the massive debt incurred from the Seven Years' War - a costly global conflict. Maintaining colonies and military protection also added to the financial strain.


The primary cause of Britain's financial problems in the mid-1700s was the debt from years of fighting wars, specifically the Seven Years' War. This global conflict, also known as the French and Indian War, was expensive for Britain. Investing in this war resulted in the accumulation of massive debts. Besides the war expenses, Britain also had to maintain its colonies worldwide and the subsequent military protection they required. Additionally, the industrial progress during this period required resources, further straining the national treasury.

Learn more about Britain's financial problems here:



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Apex "At the Berlin Conference of 1884"

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Hope this helps :)

Cartels, monopolies, trusts, as well as horizontal and vertical integration all share the goal of _____.a.raising wages
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Answer: c.increasing profits.

Cartels, monopolies, trusts, as well as horizontal and vertical integration all share the goal of increasing profits, which is the main goal of almost any business strategy. However, they are slightly different in their approaches. Monopolies and horizontal and vertical integration try to decrease competition in order to increase the portion of the market that a producer has access to. Cartels operate in a similar way. However, they require cooperation with other producers, as opposed to individual action.

c. incresing profits

John Locke's interpretation of the social contract differed from Thomas Hobbes's interpretation in that:A. Locke claimed that social contracts originated from a need for stability and protection from violence.
B. Locke largely rejected the principles of freedom and equality that were part of liberalism. C. Locke argued that people have the right to overthrow governments that violate their rights.
D. Locke suggested that people were naturally selfish and needed to be ruled by absolute monarchs.


The social contract was interpreted differently by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes in that, Locke argued that people have the right to overthrow governments that violate their rights.

The social contract, according to Locke and Hobbes, was an agreement made by individuals to establish a government. But according to Locke, a government can only be considered legitimate if,

It upholds a person's inherent rights, such as their right to life, liberty, and property. People have the right to overturn governments that violate these rights. Hobbes, on the other hand, held the view that the people had no right to remove the government since it had total control over them.

Therefore, The primary distinction between Thomas Hobbes' and John Locke's conceptions of the social contract is that Locke thought that people had the right to overturn governments that infringed their rights, whereas Hobbes thought that the government had unrestricted authority over the populace.

Learn more about social contract, here:



C because Hobbes favored a controlling gov't and believed people should give up certain rights for safety, Locke disagreed.