Why didn't the Hoover Administration respond more strongly to Japan's invasion of Manchuria? A. Many Americans believed Japan should be allowed to expand its power in Asia./ B. Because the United States was not a member of the League of Nations at the time, Hoover did not feel obligated to get involved./C. The government saw the Japanese as a potential ally after World War I and did not want to break diplomatic ties./D. Given the demands of the Depression, there was little money or will to support military action or a trade embargo.


Answer 1

The correct option is "D. Given the demands of the Depression, there was little money or will to support military action or a trade embargo."

The Japanese invasion of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan began on September 19, 1931, immediately after the Mukden Incident. The Japanese occupation of Manchuria lasted until the end of the Second World War and would lead to the founding of the puppet state of Manchukuo.

Answer 2

The correct answer is D. Given the demands of the Depression, there was little money or will to support military action or a trade embargo.

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Dutch Traders


Got 100%

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I believe the answer is
    A. Spirits and divinities controlled the movement of the planets.

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B. The ERA would hurt the traditional family.
C. The ERA would reduce women's wages.
D. The ERA would cause massive unemployment.


c I think Idk I might be wrong

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During The Monroe Era, the four examples which indicate that nationalism was an important concept was :

- Monroe Doctrine
- Increased importance of the supreme court in the federal government
- Marshall's board interpretation of constitution
- President Monroe travels throughout the country

Monroe Doctrine ,Increased importance of the supreme court in the federal government ,Marshall's board interpretation of constitution ,President Monroe travels throughout the country

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The correct answer is C) defeating the army of Alexander the Great.

Ashoka is known for all of the following except for defeating the army of Alexander the Great.

The Maurya Dynasty in India had important rulers but the one who is above all is Ashoka. He was the third ruler of the Maurya Dynasty that dominated the territories of India, South Asia and parts of the Middle East. He was the ruler from 276 BC to 232 BC. After being a bloody and cruel warrior, he converted to Buddhism and spread it throughout his dominions. Ashoka did not defeat the army of Alexander the Great.

The answer is defending armies of Alexander the Great

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1.Hitler looked like he held more power than the Allies
2. I think that Stalin was afraid that Hitler would try to overpower him (which Hitler did try)