Which are accurate descriptions of American Enlightenment thinker Benjamin Franklin?

Choose all answers that are correct./MORE THAN !

A) wrote treatises on the nature of God

B) conducted and documented scientific experiments

C) argued in favor of monarchies as the best form of government

D) acted as the American representative to the British government

Which statements describing Enlightenment ideas are true?

Choose all answers that are correct./MORE THAN 1

A) Louis XIV
of France claimed the divine right of kings.

B) The French philosopher Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of Laws, opposing despotic governments.

C) The English philosopher John Locke wrote Two Treatises of Government, saying that laws should be made only for the good of the people.

D) Many scholars in England and France argued that reason could illuminate or spotlight truth.

E) Edmund Spenser wrote The Faerie Queene about knights and their values.


Which is a belief of deism?

A) A monarch's power comes from God.

B) God created an ordered universe but does not intervene in people’s affairs.

C) God ensures that bad things don't happen to good people.

D) The pope is God's spokesman to the human


Which was included in England's Bill of Rights in 1689?

A) a government based on law, not on a king’s desires

B) protection of free speech and a free press

C) the first promise of trial by jury in England

D) legal tolerance for Catholics, Jews, and Muslims


Answer 1

a. Conducted and documented scientific experiments

b. Wrote treatises on the nature of God

Franklin's restriction to sorted out religion further mirrored the convictions of the Enlightenment; as a deist, he trusted in an incomparable being that made the universe and the normal laws that administer it, at that point ventured away.

This faith in an arrangement of normal laws is a piece of the establishment that the Enlightenment was based on, a considerable lot of the savants of this time spent extensive segments of their lives on finding the common laws that work the universe – both logical and sociopolitical. These investigations prompted the improvement  of thoughts, for example, Social Darwinism and other logical hypotheses that could be connected to sociologies too.

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cape horn East Coast...  headed to the West Coast

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1. Must be 35 years of age.

2. Resident within the United States for 14 years.

3. Must be a natural born Citizen.

Where does the carbon dioxide, released from volcanic eruptions orginally come from?



Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year

not sure but hope that works out

Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide in two ways: during eruptions and through underground magma. Carbon dioxide from underground magma is released through vents, porous rocks and soils, and water that feeds volcanic lakes and hot springs.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide derives from multiple natural sources including volcanic outgassing, the combustion of organic matter, and the respiration processes of living aerobic organisms; man-made sources of carbon dioxide come mainly from the burning of various fossil fuels for power generation and transport use.

Which side won the Civil War?






A) Union/North


  • It was mostly the north
  • After four years of conflict, the major Confederate armies surrendered to the United States in April of 1865 at Appomattox Court House and Bennett Place.

20 points...Give me 2 examples of nationalism turning into ultranationalism that aren’t apartheid in South Africa, European imperialism in the 19th century, Lebensraum in Germany and FLQ in Quebec.


Ultra nationalism might be defined as a nationalism that turns to discrimination and/or violence as means to confirm national superiority over outsiders and other nations in general.

You have examples of that in Mussolini's fascism, in Italy.

A rarely used example of the case is the Japanese ultra nationalism under the during the era of the emperor Hirohito, who was not involved in politics, leaving the command of the nation to the Japanese military leaders.

You can also find examples during the World Wars in Canada and the USA, considering the concentration camps where both countries left people of Japanese descent. In Canada, during the WWI, they even sold the properties of the Japanese Canadians to pay for the concentration camps.

What were some difficulties that traders faced during the Vedic Age?


The vedic age was poor trading product's hope this helps :)