Which characteristic of neoclassical poetry is displayed in this excerpt from the poem “Goliath of Gath” by Phillis Wheatley? Ye martial pow'rs, and all ye tuneful nine, Inspire my song, and aid my high design. The dreadful scenes and toils of war I write, The ardent warriors, and the fields of fight: You best remember, and you best can sing The acts of heroes to the vocal string:a. a reference to heroes b. heroic couplets c. rhyming verse d. a turbulent theme


Answer 1
Answer: The characteristic of neoclassical poetry that is displayed in this excerpt from the poem "Goliath of Gath" by Phillis Wheatley is b) heroic couplets.
Heroic couplets are two lines in a stanza which rhyme. 
Answer 2

The correct answer is the following: option b. The use of heroic couplet is a characteristic of neoclassical poetry that is displayed in the excerpt of the poem "Goliath of Gath" written by Phillis Wheatley.  An heroic couplet is a traditional form of English commonly used in narrative and epic poetry, it consists of a pair of rhyming iambic pentameters. The author uses the heroic couplets in her longest poem, where she retells the showdown between David and Goliath

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if I am thine indeed, and thou art father:
grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never
see his home: Laertes' son, I mean,
who kept his hail on Ithaca. Should destiny
intend that he shall see his roof again
among his family in his father land,
far be that day, and dark the years between.
Let him lose all companions, and return
under strange sail to bitter days at home.'

What motivates the Cyclops to ask Poseidon for the demise of Odysseus and all his men? Check all that apply.

He hates all the Greeks because they destroyed Troy.
He wants revenge for the loss of his eye.
He thinks all of mankind is weak and feeble.
He is angered by Odysseus’s taunts.


This excerpt doesn't give much detail but I'm pretty sure this is Polyphemus speaking. He is a cyclops, and son of Poseidon. When Odysseus and his men were trapped in a cave with the giant man-eating cyclops, they plotted to blind him and escape. So Odysseus got Polyphemus drunk on some kind of wine and waited for him to pass out. Then they got a huge stick or branch, sharpened the end and plunged it into the giant's eye. One can easily surmise that Polyphemus would seek revenge for this, so answer B is definite. Answer A might be an additional factor, as Polyphemus does refer to him in this passage as "raider of cities"--indicating perhaps some disapproval--but the damage to his (only!) eye would be the most important issue, since that is personal.

both A and B are the answers

Why does Mr. Jabez Wilson write so much in "The Red-Headed League"? A.
He is filing a police report.

He is copying an encyclopedia.

He is a tax lawyer.

He is writing a detective story.


B. he is copying an encyclopedia
if yo read the story, you will see that it was just a plot to get him out of the shop so his assistant, who was actually a criminal, could spend time in the basement tunneling into the bank and steal the gold bulions in there

the answer is B

B.He is copying an encyclopedia.

Predict the plot structure that will most likely be used to tell the following story. Luke Skywalker is a young man who, after discovering that he possesses a great power and is the last in a long line of great warriors, discovers that his aunt and uncle have been killed. He travels off to learn how to use this power, but encounters a powerful enemy which he must conquer. After achieving victory, he returns to where he feels at home, with his friends, and is part of a great celebration.a. "W"
b. Romance
c. Hero's Journey
d. Episodic


I would say Hero's journey.
Hero's Journey is the plot structure

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b. My father will not let me go hunting with him, until I turn 15 years old.
c. Though I do not own my own tackle box my uncle lets me borrow his.


A does because c needs a pause and b doesn't need one

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It's and adverbial of time

Read the opening lines of Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman?” Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about? (What tone do these lines convey?) a formal and reserved tone/ a conversational and inquisitive tone /a dissatisfied and pessimistic tone /a hopeful and idealistic tone /


The correct answer is: a conversational and inquisitive tone.

Indeed, the tone or register is definitely informal. This is not a carefully drafted speech, read with rhetorical method and oratorical inflection. This is actually a very conversational reflection on the issues of gender equality and racial equality.  The speaker is just conversing with the audience in her own plain language in order to convey a more intimate significance to her message on gender equality.

It is also inquisitive because she initially does not use a prescriptive approach for her soliloquy. She actually performs the action of placing the question and then using logic and reasoning to answer it. In this manner she also engages the audience to do the same and arrive at their own conclusions which are of course intended to coincide with hers since her reasoning is already providing the answers.

Its a conversational and inquisitive tone* 
because she tells everyone "Ain't i a Woman?" and also when she says "well, children," means that she is talking to someone and proves that this is conversational. 
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