Do you agree that incarceration is a better method of correction than corporal punishment?


Answer 1
Answer: Personally, I agree. However, this could also depend on the level of the grave offense. Incarceration is definitely a punishment where the detainee has ample time to contemplate on his wrongs and with added activities provided by the government in prison, he can think things out. Corporal punishment may be applied to those highly grave offenses like having killed a person since sometimes it's the physical pain that knocks some sense out of people, rather than solitary confinement.

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European leaders might have diverted attention away from internal dissent and problems by rallying their nations to the cause of war.

The nations of Europe were struggling to adjust to societal changes brought on by industrialization.  There were workers strikes and rising socialist movements that caused internal tensions between the ruling classes and the working class.  In some parts of Europe, such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire, nationalistic fervor by different ethnic groups was causing unrest within their borders also.   Solving a nation's internal problems posed great difficulties.  It was easier to point to other nations as the great threat and problem to their people's security.  It seemed to leaders that "prosecuting an active foreign policy" (as some Austrian leaders put it) was a way to suppress internal domestic troubles.  


some leaders entered war to suppress disorder in their countries


Socialist labor movements and the incline of strikes were a source of internal strife. Not only that, but the competition for lands abroad also led to rivalries among European states. Besides, industrialization offered new methods of building weapons and ships using iron, steel and chemicals for weapons, which helped military leaders grow mass armies.

Write a two- or three-paragraph journal entry reflecting on U.S. foreign policy during the long 19th century (1776 – 1914). Your journal entry should explain why you think U.S. foreign policy changed — or did not change — over time and specifically address how expansionism, the Monroe Doctrine, nationalism, and increased global power influenced the role of the United States in the world during this period. Conclude your journal entry with a prediction about the role the United States will play in world affairs during the 20th century.Need some extra help figuring out what to write? If you can answer these clarifying questions, you are heading in the right direction.
Clarifying questions:
How did expansionism change the United States' role in the world?
How did the Monroe Doctrine affect relations between the United States and Latin America?
How did ideas about nationalism affect the way U.S. leaders saw the United States' role in world affairs?
How might the U.S. role as an economic power affect its position in the world during the 20th century?


The way in which expansionism changed the United States' role in the world was it made them more powerful through its capture of new territories and a booming economy.

What was the Monroe Doctrine?

This refers to the American policy of defending countries in the Western Hemisphere from external attacks.

The Monroe Doctrine affected relations between the United States and Latin America as they intervened in Mexico and were victorious which led them to gain new territories.

The way ideas about nationalism affected the way U.S. leaders saw the United States' role in world affairs is that they wanted to protect their interests on both their home soil and abroad which also led to the Monroe Doctrine.

The way the U.S.'s role as an economic power affected its position in the world during the 20th century was that it began to be regarded as a superpower.

Read more about the Monroe Doctrine here:


What was Karl Marx’s criticism of industrial capitalism? What solutions did he envision? How well did he foresee the evolution of industrial society? Did his predictions come to pass?


Karl Marx didn't like the fact that the capitalistic regimes would exploit the working class and that the only way to solve this prolemw ould be througha violent revolution. He saw the idea of a classless society where everyone wold contribute his part to society and everyone would live happily. 

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The Love Canal is the environmental disaster that took place near Niagara Falls. The Love Canal disaster came to the public's attention in 1978.

What was an effect of the trans-Atlantic slavetrade on Africa between 1500 and 1800?
(1) Power in West Africa shifted from kingdoms
in the interior to coastal kingdoms.
(2) Malaria was introduced to the tropical regions
of Africa.
(3) Islam became dominant in sub-Saharan
(4) Plantation agriculture was developed in the
Great Rift Valley.


One effect of the trans Atlantic slave was that power in West Africa shifted from Kingdoms in the interior to coastal kingdoms.
power in west africa shifted from kingdoms in the interior to costal kingdoms