Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier?A.
The look on the children's faces was of total wonder.

With so much to see, the Ramone children were very excited.

To a clerk, the Ramones gave at the entrance their tickets.

The Ramones saw booths filled with food and souvenirs.


Answer 1
Answer: The sentence that contains a misplaced modifier is option B. With so much to see, the Ramone children were very excited. The misplaced modifier here is the phrase "with so much to see". It is called a misplaced modifier because it does not clearly state what word it is modifying because the words are left out or misplaced.

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A protagonist is the main character of the story. They are the character who experiences the main conflict and has to solve it. It is the character driving the story. The character can either be good or evil.
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My dad always says, Time is money .
A. Metaphor
B. Irony
C. Pun
D. Idiom


The phrase, "Time is Money", is a metaphor. So A (: A metaphor is a direct comparison of one thing to another. Another example could be, "The kids at school are all brains." This doesn't mean that the kids at school are literally walking, talking, brains. It is a figure of speech to say that the kids at school are always thinking or the kids at school are smart. 

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The mail is here​



The been is 'is'


Because is is a doing work

The verb in this sentence is “is”

What was the order and method of death of each suspect?


Final Answer:

The suspects died in the following order: Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, and Mrs. Peacock.


The unraveling of this mysterious sequence of deaths began with Miss Scarlet meeting her demise first, followed by Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, and finally, Mrs. Peacock. Each death bore a unique method, weaving a tapestry of intrigue.

Miss Scarlet's demise occurred in the conservatory, a room known for its lush greenery. The murder weapon was a lead pipe, a stark contrast to the vibrant surroundings. Professor Plum met his fate in the library, surrounded by volumes of knowledge. The murderer chose a candlestick, symbolizing the extinguishing of intellectual light.

Colonel Mustard, a military man, fell victim in the study, where strategies were devised. His end came via a revolver, reminiscent of his military background. Mrs. White, a figure associated with domesticity, perished in the kitchen, the heart of household activities, with a wrench.

Mr. Green's demise took place in the hall, a central space connecting various rooms. The rope used to end his life symbolized the entanglement of secrets. Lastly, Mrs. Peacock, a woman of social prominence, met her end in the dining room, a space of communal gathering. Her death was orchestrated with the symbolic dagger, representing the cutthroat nature of high society.

In this intricate sequence of events, each death and location were meticulously chosen, creating a suspenseful narrative that unfolded in the iconic game of Clue.

Learn more about: Miss Scarlet



If you are talking bout Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None" (formerly titled "Ten Little Indians"), the guests on Indian Island are systematically killed one by one, following the pattern of the nursery rhyme "Ten Little Soldiers." The deaths occur in the following order:

1. Anthony Marston - Dies from cyanide poisoning when he drinks a poisoned cocktail.
2. Mrs. Ethel Rogers - Dies in her sleep, likely from an overdose of sleeping medication.
3. General John Macarthur - Killed by a blow to the head with a blunt object.
4. Emily Brent - Injected with poison via a hypodermic needle.
5. Justice Wargrave - Appears to be shot in the head, but it's later revealed that he faked his own death.
6. Dr. Armstrong - Drowned after being pushed off a cliff by someone he trusted.
7. Philip Lombard - Shot in the chest with his own revolver.
8. William Blore - Crushed by a heavy bear-shaped clock.
9. Vera Claythorne - Hangs herself in a fit of hysteria, manipulated by the last recorded message accusing her of killing the previous victims.

The order and method of death follow the verses of the nursery rhyme "Ten Little Soldiers," and the deaths are carefully orchestrated to match the rhyme's grim pattern. The mystery revolves around who the killer is among the remaining guests and how they are committing the murders.

Which lines in the poem indicate its theme?A Shadow
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I said unto myself, if I were dead,
What would befall these children? What would be
Their fate, who now are looking up to me
For help and furtherance? Their lives, I said,
Would be a volume wherein I have read
But the first chapters, and no longer see
To read the rest of their dear history,
So full of beauty and so full of dread.
Be comforted; the world is very old,
And generations pass, as they have passed,
A troop of shadows moving with the sun;
Thousands of times has the old tale been told;
The world belongs to those who come the last,
They will find hope and strength as we have done.


"thousands of time has the old tale been told"

Which of the following sentences has both a compound subject and a compound objectA. John and his wife danced and sang.
B. Jane and Liza love books and music.
C. Helen and her children are going to the zoo.
D. Amy and Paul watched television before bed.


Jane and Liza love books and music

Further Explanation:

A compound subject is two or more individual non-phrases that are coordinated from a single and longer noun phrase. Compound subjects are the reasons that create various kinds of difficulties in the proper usage of the grammatical agreement which takes place between the subject and other entities such as verbs, pronouns, etc. Compound subjects are joined by or, but rules related to it are often ill-defined.

Compound objects include more than one object and also are from a language which has more than one object and all the values are objects, a list which has an association of two values with it and there can be some instances where more than two values are associated to it  and it will seem as qualified compound object. A compound subject has two or more than two simple subjects that share the same verb and are joined by conjunctions.  

Learn More:

1. At the beginning of "the world on turtle's back," why did the husband become "terrified"?


2. What the main characteristic of this text makes it a myth?


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Compound Subject and Compound objects

Subject: English


Compound Subjects, Compound Objects, Verbs, Pronouns, Phrase, Attribute, Conjunction, Coordinate, Qualified, Language.

B. Jane and Liza love booksand music.

A compound subject will have two nouns and always beconnected by one of four coordinating conjunctions—and, or, neither, nor.  The same thing applies to a compoundobject.  When looking at the possibleoptions for this question, the possible response that may have confused you isoption “A.”  However, even though option “A”has a compound subject, it does not have a compound object.  What may throw you off is the conjunction “and”between “danced” and “sang.”  In thisparticular option, though, “danced” and “sang” are verbs, and because verbscannot be objects, we know these two words are not compound objects.