Which statement about the density of warm water is most likely correct?Warm water is more dense than cold water.
Warm water is less dense than cold water.
The density is the same for warm and cold water.
The density will sometimes be higher for warm water and other times higher for cold water.


Answer 1
Answer: option b. warm water is less dense than cold water.

It is due to the the effect of heat on water molecules that's why warm water tend to rise above cold ones. The molecules of the water are excited by the energy. They begin moving faster, so when they bump into one another, they bounce further away. The increase space between the fast-moving molecules decreases the density.

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100 Points and Brainliest to the correct answer, if you type a random answer I will reportHow can matter and energy be described and conserved in a variety of systems? Hypotheses: As you view each scenario, make a prediction about what will occur when prompted by the video. The Iced Tea Debate The Salty Soup Predictions—What do you think will happen? Materials: 1. Demonstrations: “The Iced Tea Debate” and “The Salty Soup.” Procedures: 1. Observe and analyze the following video demonstrations: “The Iced Tea Debate” and “The Salty Soup.” 2. Use the data table to record observations on physical and chemical change, and the conservation of matter and energy. Variables: List the variables for The Iced Tea Debate: Independent: Dependent: Control: List the variables for The Salty Soup: Independent: Dependent: Control: Data and Observations: Record your detailed observations and draw some brief conclusions in the table below. The Iced Tea Debate The Salty Soup Describe the physical changes you observed. Describe the chemical changes you observed. Describe the instances of conservation of matter and energy in each demonstration. Questions and Conclusion 1. How was matter and energy conserved in each demonstration? 2. What phase changes did you observe? 3. What kind/s of energy transfers did you notice in each scenario? 4. Identify an example of matter and energy conservation in the world around you. Conclusion: How did your observations support or contradict your predictions? Describe an experiment that could further explore physical or chemical change.


Final answer:

The experiments 'The Iced Tea Debate' and 'The Salty Soup' illustrate different physical changes and energy transfers in the context of the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.


In 'The Iced Tea Debate', the independent variable could be the temperature of the tea, the dependent variable could be how quickly the ice melts and the control variable could be the amount of tea used in each trial. The Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. In this case, the ice melting is a physical change, and the energy transferred is thermal energy from the tea to the ice.

In 'The Salty Soup,' the independent variable could be the amount of salt added, the dependent variable could be the taste of the soup, and the control variable could be the type of soup used. The added salt dissolving into the soup is a physical change, and no noticeable energy transfer occurs.

One example of conservation of matter and energy in everyday life is the process of photosynthesis in plants. The plant absorbs sunlight (energy), carbon dioxide, and water, and converts them into glucose and oxygen, thus conserving matter and energy.

Learn more about Conservation of Matter and Energy here:



Final answer:

In these demonstrations, matter and energy were conserved, as total mass and energy stayed constant. Significant phase and energy transformations were observed, like the melting of ice and the dissolving of salt. The total mass before and after the transformations remained the same, demonstrating the law of conservation of mass.


Matter and energy can be described as being conserved in a variety of systems because they can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred between objects or converted from one form to another. In 'The Iced Tea Debate' and 'The Salty Soup' demonstrations,

Variables would include: Independent variable: the substance added (be it ice tea or salt); Dependent variable: physical and chemical changes observed; Control variables: the initial conditions of the system, like temperature and pressure.

When analyzing the results of each of these demonstrations, you should observe energy transfers, in the form of heat in both scenarios.

Moreover, there would be conservation of matter observable in both scenarios. This can be proven by extracting and weighing all substances before and after their reactions, summing up the total mass, which should stay constant.

To answer the questions:

  1. In each demonstration, matter was conserved as the total mass remained constant despite the transformations. Energy was conserved as it was converted from one form to another.
  2. Phase changes observed would be the melting of ice in the Iced Tea and the dissolving of salt in the soup.
  3. Energy transfer in both scenarios was likely in the form of heat, from the hotter substance to the colder one.
  4. An example of matter and energy conservation in the world around you could be photosynthesis.

Learn more about Conservation of Matter and Energy here:



A scientist discovers a new substance. The molecules of the substance form hydrogen bonds with each other. When the molecules lose a lot of energy, the hydrogen bonds hold them relatively far apart. Based on this information, what can the scientist infer about the substance?


Answer is: It expands when it freezes.

When molecule frezes, it lose energy. When molecules are far apart, it means the volume is greater and it expands.

For example, ice expands when water is freezing.

Hydrogen bond is an electrostatic attraction between two polar groups that occurs when a hydrogen atom (H), covalently bound to a highly electronegative atom such as flourine (F), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) atoms.

The more the heat energy present in it the bond between the molecules gets weaker just like water

What element is this? How do you know?


Atom is the most basic unit of matter. They are the general term used to describe pieces of matter. But a different kind of atom makes up an element.  A combination of atom of different elements creates a molecule. For example, you have water; it has a chemical formula of H2O. If you separate H from O, you have two atoms. Two atoms for hydrogen and one atom for oxygen. However, they are of different elements. And when you combine them to form H2O, you create a molecule.


Which elements are included in Group 5A?


Answer : The elements include in group 5A are, Nitrogen, phosphorous, arsenic, antimony and bismuth.

Explanation :

According to the modern periodic table, the group 5A is known as group 15. And it is also known as nitrogen family.

The elements present in group 5A are, nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), arsenic(As), antimony(Sb) and bismuth (Bi).

The general electronic configuration of group 5A elements is, ns^2np^3

The number of valance electrons present in group 5A elements are, 5

Hence, the elements include in group 5A are, Nitrogen, phosphorous, arsenic, antimony and bismuth.

Final answer:

Group 5A, also called Group 15 in the modern IUPAC system, contains the elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, and the synthetic element Moscovium. Each of these elements has a p3 configuration in their valence shell.


The elements present in Group 5A (Group 15 in IUPAC system) are known as the pnictogens. This group includes Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Bismuth (Bi) and the unconfirmed synthetic element Moscovium (Mc). These elements, each with a p3 configuration in their valence shell, form compounds with a wide range of properties and uses.

Nitrogen is a common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, deeply involved in biological processes. Phosphorus is key in DNA and energy processes in living beings. Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth are metalloids used in various industrial applications. Moscovium is a synthetic element not found naturally and its properties are being studied.

Learn more about Group 5A Elements here:



What is a mixture in which something is dissolved in a liquid ?


This mixture is called a solution. A solution is a homogeneous mixture that is liquid which a solute is uniformly distributed in a solvent. When the solvent is water, this is called an aqueous solution. Solutions may contain one or more solute.

On a mission to a newly discovered planet, an astronaut finds gallium abundances of 61.29% for 69Ga and 39.71% for 71Ga . What is the atomic mass of gallium for this location?The mass of 69Ga is 68.7200amu . The mass of 71Ga is 70.9200amu .


To solve this, we multiply the each mass of the isotope by the percentage of abundance of each isotope. 

average molecular weight = 0.6129(68.72amu) + 0.3971(70.92) = 70.28 amu