Comic strip hero Superman meets an asteroid in outer space and hurls it at 100 m/s. The asteroid is on thousand times more massive than superman is. In the strip, superman is seen at rest after the throw. Taking physics into account, what would be his recoil speed?


Answer 1


Recoil speed = -100,000 m/s


First, this is an exercise that has relation with angular momentum.

So, you need to use the expressions for momentum.

Now, we can assume that Superman and the asteroid are initially at rest, so both moments are 0.

If superman hurls the asteroid, this means that  he should have an equal moment but in the opposite direction of the asteroid, therefore, he also have an opposite recoil moment.

The expression to use is the following:

innitial momentum = final momentum

The final momentum, is the combination of superman recoil moment, and the asteroid so:

0 = Mass * Velocity

Let M1 and V1 be the mass and velocity of superman, while M2 and V2 would be the asteroid, thus we have:

0 = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2

As the problem states, the asteroid is 1000 times more massive than superman, so we can say that M2 = 1000M1. Replacing in the above expression we finally have:

0 = M1 * V1 + 1000M1 * V2

M1 * V1 = -1000M1V2 -----> Simplify M1

V1 = -1000V2

V1 = -1000 * 100

V1 = -100,000 m/s

This would be the recoil speed of Superman.

Answer 2




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The change in momentum increases because the impact time increases.


The change in momentum of an object is also called impulse (J), and it is equal to

J=F \Delta t


F is the force applied to the object

\Delta t is the time taken for the change in momentum of the object to occur (the impact time)

From the formula above, we can notice that:

- the larger the force, the larger the change in momentum

- the larger the impact time, the larger the change in momentum

In the example of the baseball caught by the glove, when the glove moves backward, the time taken for the ball to stop increases (due to the movement of the gloves). Looking at the formula, we see that this means that the impulse (the change in momentum) increases.


The change in momentum stays the same because the ball still comes to a stop.


here we know that momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity

so here we know that

P = mv

now we know that formula to find the change in momentum is given as

\Delta P = mv_f - mv_i

\Delta P = m(v_f - v_i)

now when player moves his hand backwards then in this case final speed of the ball is zero and initial speed is same

So here we can say that there is no change in the equation but only the the to stop the ball is increased.

So here change in momentum will remain the same

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