It is often said that the united states is a nation of immigrants. Does this statement remain true today even though the country has numerous laws in place that limit immigration please explain your reasoning


Answer 1


It remains true today.


Everyone in the United States, with the exception of Native Americans, are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.

Despite recent restrictions, for most of its existence the United States had very porous and open borders. The nation was populated by immigrants from Europe, Asia, South and Central America, Australia, Africa--all the other continents of the world.

And even though several generations have passed since the first immigrants came to America some 400 years ago, many of the people living here today are first, second, or third generation residents--not really enough time for everyone to have lost the roots of whatever culture they came from.

We don't know what may happen in the future, but for now the United States is a multi-cultural, kaleidoscopic society made up of many different nationalities and peoples, a large number of whom came from somewhere else.

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Which American naturalist convinced President Roosevelt to set aside Yosemite Valley as a national park? A. Samuel McClure B. Leland Stanford C. John Muir D. Lincoln Steffens


Answer: C. John Muir


John Muir (1838-1914)  was an ardent environmentalist and an early leader in movements to protect the American wilderness.  He helped campaign to get Congress to make Yosemite a national park, which actually occurred in 1890, during the presidency of Benjamin Harrison.  Land in Yosemite had even been set aside already as protected for public use by Congress in 1864, signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln.  This was known as the Yosemite Grant.   When Teddy Roosevelt became president in 1901, he was a strong supporter of the National Park and National Forest systems.  Roosevelt added 230 million acres of land to those public lands systems, including an expansion of the lands reserved for Yosemite National Park.  

In 1903, President Roosevelt personally took a 3-day camping trip in Yosemite with John Muir, and said of Muir:  "Of course of all the people in the world, he was the one with whom it was best worth while thus to see the Yosemite."

John Muir is well known also as the co-founder of the Sierra Club, along with Henry Senger.  The Sierra Club was one of the world's first major environmental groups, and to this day is highly active in promoting responsible environmental policies.

The American naturalist was John Muir

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Aphrodite was the goddess of love and romance. Her Roman Goddess form is Venus.
-Husband is Hephaestus 
-Unfaithful to Hephaestus, lover of Ares, Greek God of 
 -Can make men fall in love with her or anyone else 
-Some say she was born from the foam of the sea, other say born from Zeus and Dione 

Hope this helps!

Hint: You can also do some more research. 
Tip: Don’t search up Aphrodite as an adult. Just search up “Aphrodite from Greek Mythology”. 

The facts I listed above aren't from what I searched up. It’s from my common knowledge, because I helped my friend in 6th grade do his report on Aphrodite. He got an A so hope this can help you. Good luck!

This answer was posted by 
GeniousCreation on here on the same question as yours, but someone else posted it. I thought it might be helpful for you.

What is the term for a non-citizen that is legally visting the country?


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D: Jamestown settlers were motivated by economic opportunity while the Plymouth colony was motivated by religion.

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They help take care of it? I dunno