AssignmentFor this assignment, you must answer the following question in one paragraph of at least five sentences:

How can technology make news more engaging and understandable?

Different news outlets use different methods to keep your interest. A radio news segment about a parade might include music or sounds of people cheering. A newspaper might choose an active picture of an athlete for a story about a football game. CNN once even used holographic images to make their field reporters appear to be standing in the newsroom with the anchors!

Find an example of one recent news story that you think has used technology successfully and include the link for the story in your submission. This example can include graphic art, photography, interactive elements, audio, or another form of technology that has improved your ability to appreciate and understand the news.


Answer 1


Answer: technology makes news more engaging and understandable thanks to its reachability, its media source, and the social media algorithms


Technology is represented in the Technology information sciences in the form of software and hardware, both combined bring the news industry into a new level in history. In the first place by reaching more people in different media forms (electronic newspaper, cellphone messages, video capsules in your cellphone app, dedicated multiple news social media pages, etc), In second place by providing content to inform as much as media can, about the real situation. In the form of a video, photography, graphic, study report, etc. And Finally in third place by surfing between social media algorithms to deliver the observer the topics he is interested in, for example: if you look in google about Justin Bieber, the news feed will suggest the newest notes about him.

An example of this is the next news published in cnn international the 3rd of october of 2019 called:  Shipwrecked Colombian 'smugglers' found floating on packages of cocaine

In this article, we can observe a regular drug smuggler case in Colombia, the country in which these kinds of events are so often that they don’t generate any attention. However, for a different country in which drug smuggling is not such a common thing, this generates controversy. Something that without the technology we have today wouldn’t have reached our eyes, we can even see the drugs packages and the smugglers in the middle of the water, in our pc and cellphone, in the middle of a mountain in which only 4g or 5g internet is the only source of internet communication.

Answer 2
Answer: technology let's people listen and view rather than in the news paper that you just view

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plicare : exploit ::

A.flectere : manifest

B.plicare : please

C.manus : dexterity

D.rapere : comprise

E.prehendere : reprisal


d is correct because rapere and comprise is similar to plicare and exploit

Please help I'm almost there.




A million years ago, when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth, our English teacher came into the room and said to us. Look! Running up a tree, I saw a squirrel. Then when we had finished looking out the window to see if we could see the squirrel, she said to us. "What's the problem with that sentence?"

Trapped. A teacher joke.

Then we caught on. There was no squirrel, but there was a problem. Who was running up the tree?

You have the same difficulty. The punctuation is fine. The problem is in

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Who exactly is doing the running? It sounds like your name is doing the running.  You have to fix the order.

Running toward me holding a stuffed animal was Hope. As she ran, she was shouting my name. Even that is not totally correct. Let's try again.

Holding a stuffed animal as she ran toward me, Hope was shouting my name.

You can report this as a problem. The punctuation and Capitalization are fine. The order isn't.

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there were

lying still

three small snapping turtles

on the rocks


Hi There! :)

Which group of words in the sentence is a prepositional phrase?There were three small snapping turtles lying still on the rocks.

there were

lying still

three small snapping turtles

on the rocks

On the rocks

I am pretty sure it is A there were.

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The correct answer is C. Cows chomping on grass in the meadow below. Fragment does not express a complete thought and may have been omitted from the main clause. They are usually used to provide more details about the subject of the main clause.

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For apex the answer is C. for the lyrical nature...