Which type of bank account best matches the given description?Es bueno para mantener el dinero guardado sin hacer retiros.


Answer 1
Answer: Savings account 
AKA:    Cuenta de ahorros...

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How do you use "ya que" in a sentence?

How do you say how are you in Spanish?


cómo estás is how you say it
hope that helped :)
Como estas thats the correct answer

Practice Activity: ¿Ser o Estar?Use the correct form of ser or estar to fill in the blank. Then justify your answer by writing the USE for each sentence.
1.Juan__de Guatemala. (Uso: _)
2. México en América de Norte. (Uso:
3.Ustedes__inteligentes. (Uso:
4. Lionel Messi_bajo. (Uso:
5.¿Qué hora__? (Uso:
6. Paco
maestro. (Uso:
7. Yo
bien. (Usos:
8. Hoy
el once de abril. (Uso:_)


1. es (place of origin)

2. está (location)

3. son (characteristic)

4. es (characteristic)

5. es (time)

6. es (occupation)

7. estoy (feeling/emotion)

8. es (date)

If you can answer these that would be awesome HELP NOW ITS SPANISH!!


1. una 2. unas 3. un 4. una 5. unos

What is the name of the first colony established by Spain in the New World? The Spanish Santo Domingo Cuba Havana


St. Augustine is the first colony established by Spanish settlers in modern-day Florida of the United States of America. It was founded in September 1565 by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, later named by King Philip II Spain's most experienced admiral, Governor of Florida. King Philip II then instructed him to explore and to colonize the territory. When Menendez arrived off the coast of Florida, it was August 28, 1565, later called the Feast Day of St. Augustine. 

IN SPANISH write a tu command with each verb1. hacer (use the command haz)
2. salir (use the command sal)
3. venir (use the command ven)
4. ir (use the command ve)
5. poner (use the command pon)

write at toal of 5 spanish sentances

also, write 6 other spanish sentances of things you would do if you could.


1.Porfavor ve y haz la comida (please )go and make some food)
2.Sal de la cama y haz algo  (Get out of bed and make something)
3.Ven acá ahora porque yo lo digo (Come here right now because I say so)
4.¿Puedes ir a mi cuarto y traerme la bolsa azul? (Can you go to my room and bring me the blue bag?)
5.No puedes poner la el plato de sopa en la cama (You can't put your bowl  of soup on the bed)

How do i translate Batir la mantequilla, agregar el azúcar y seguir batiendo. Echar los huevos uno a uno batiendo bien hasta que estén totalmente incorporados. Agregar la harina cernida y la cocoa, y a?adir un poco de la leche, mezclando bien, hasta obtener una masa uniforme. Llevar la masa al horno precalentado a 350° F en un molde enmantequillado y enharinado por media hora in spanish


Batir la mantequilla, agregar el azúcar y seguir batiendo. Echar los huevos uno a uno batiendo bien hasta que estén totalmente incorporados. Agregar la harina cernida y la cocoa, y añadir un poco de la leche, mezclando bien, hasta obtener una masa uniforme. Llevar la masa al horno precalentado a 350° F en un molde enmantequillado y enharinado por media hora.


Mix the butter, add sugar and keep mixing. Add the eggs one by one mixing well until they are totally incorporated. Add the sifted flour and the cocoa, and add a bit of the milk, mixing well, until obtaining a uniformed dough. Take the dough to the 350° F preheated oven in a buttered and floured mold for half hour.
