The spondee, a substitute foot, has _____ accent(s).2341


Answer 1

Answer: The spondee, a substitute foot, has 2 accents.

Explanation: The spondee is a metrical foot used in poetry that has two long stressed syllables, that is to say the emphasis is placed in two syllables. It is also considered a substitute foot because instead of providing the metrical pattern in a poem, the spondee generally replaces another foot (another substitute foot is the pyrrhic). Moreover, two spondee examples are the words "earthquake" and "handshake".

Answer 2
Answer: Your answer will be 2.

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A participial phrase is always used to modify a noun. Therefore in the sentence "The picture drawn by Melissa is clever", the phrase that modifies the noun 'the picture' is 'drawn by Melissa'. The answer to your question is: Phrase = Drawn by Melissa 
Noun = The Picture

The correct answer its:

Drawn by Melissa


hope it helps

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Assuming you mean to write "basketball player" in the first option, "b. marina, and excellent basketball player" would be a sentence fragment since there is no verb--it is only describing Marina. 

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C.There is no error in this sentence.


The answer is C.
There is no error in the article.
B's is used as a plural and when a single character is punctuated, we as an apostrophe folled by 's' to avoid any easy confusion by the reader.
I hope this helped.

Read each of the following statements and describe the nonverbal messages that you would use while making the statements. Also label which of the six nonverbal relationships you are using.1. Statement: "That is perfect!"
Nonverbal gesture:
Type of gesture:

2. Statement: "I don't agree with you."
Nonverbal gesture:
Type of gesture:

3. Statement: "How was lunch?"
Nonverbal gesture:
Type of gesture:

4. Statement: "My watch stopped. What time is it?"
Nonverbal gesture:
Type of gesture

5. Statement: "Whoa! What did you just say?"
Nonverbal gesture:
Type of gesture:


1. Statement: "That is perfect!"

Nonverbal gesture: looking sad. (Conflicting)

Type of gesture: non conventional

2. Statement: "I don't agree with you."

Nonverbal gesture: at the same time, turning your head from side to side. (Complementing)

Type of gesture: conventional

3. Statement: "How was lunch?"

Nonverbal gesture: speaking aloud and showing your enthusiasm. (Accenting)

Type of gesture: Deictic

4. Statement: "My watch stopped. What time is it?"

Nonverbal gesture: looking at your watch. (Complementing)

Type of gesture: Ionic

5. Statement: "Whoa! What did you just say?"

Nonverbal gesture: asking the same twice. (Repeating)

Type of gesture: Deictic

1. Statement: "That is perfect!"

Nonverbal gesture:  I wil make a round with my thumb and my index finger.

Type of gesture:  hand gesture

2. Statement: "I don't agree with you."

Nonverbal gesture:  I wll move my head from side to side.

Type of gesture:  face gesture

3. Statement: "How was lunch?"

Nonverbal gesture:  I will close my hand and take to the mouth.

Type of gesture:  hand and face gesture

4. Statement: "My watch stopped. What time is it?"

Nonverbal gesture:  I will point to my watch.

Type of gesture  Hand gesture

5. Statement: "Whoa! What did you just say?"

Nonverbal gesture:  I will poin to my ear.

Type of gesture:  hand gesture

Which one of the following types of writing is considered formal?a. A personal email to a friend
b. An instant message to a co-worker about after-hours plans
c. A cover letter with a job application
d. An invitation to an anniversary party


The correct answer is c. A cover letter with a job application

Party invites as well as friendly emails and after hour plans are usually non formal, unless written formal as some form of a joke or something similar.