Symbols help readers understand the larger themes of a story. One of the major themes of Joyce’s “Araby” is the urge to escape the monotony of daily life. Which symbol in the story contributes most to this theme, and why?the bazaar because it represents the inaccessible land of freedom to the narrator

Mangan’s sister because she represents domesticity and routine to the narrator

the marketplace because it represents the suburban lifestyle to the narrator

the church because it represents spiritual healing and renewal to the narrator


Answer 1

  The right answer is A.  

  In "Araby", the narrator who is in love for Mangan's sister, wants to go to the Baazar in Araby to bring some gift for his loved one, who couldn't come to it for there was a week in retreat at the convent. He feels that each day is monotonous when waiting for the Baazar, and it represents the first time as an independent person, as he will go alone to it (a glimpse of the adult life). Both the qualities of the girl and the baazar are the childish imaginative construct of the boy, the latter seen as a fantastic place (the inaccessible land of freedom). When the narrator finally arrives to the Bazaar, he his confronted with the reality and the disappointment, which can mean the lost of his innocence.

Answer 2
Answer: the first one.

the bazaar because it represents the inaccessible land of freedom to the narrator

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His brother, fell before his feet, And cried, "Thy claim all men allow: O come, our lord and king be thou." But Ráma nobly chose to be Observant of his sire’s decree. He placed his sandals in his hand A pledge that he would rule the land: And bade his brother turn again. Then Bharat, finding prayer was vain, The sandals took and went away; Nor in Ayodhyá would he stay. But turned to Nandigráma, where He ruled the realm with watchful care, Still longing eagerly to learn Tidings of Ráma’s safe return. Bharat is characterized as a(n)_________ king.



The correct answer here is that in the extract included above, Bharat is characterised as a reluctant King. We can observe this based upon the interactions between he and other characters, and the level of persuasion needed in order for him to take actions that show the amount of power he has.

He is a reluctant king.

Which of these was a consequence for farmers during the Dust Bowl?A. The government took their land.
B. They coveted each other's land.
C. The worth of their crops increased.
D. The bank bought all of their crops.


The Dust Bowl was a period in the thirties when severe dust storms devastated all crops and other ecological components in several American and Canadian soils. This was partly caused by drought as well as the farmers' improper practices.

Because at least a year's worth of crops were gone, the bank cannot buy them and there would be no way for the value of their crops to increase either. Also, they would not be aiming to covet each other's land since most of the land eroded that period, too.

As a consequence for farmers, the government took their land. This was also done by the government in an effort to mitigate the damages done to the areas.




Imagine that your favorite sports team has been nominated for an award. You’ve been selected to write a brief paragraph about why your team deserves to win the award. Write two short paragraphs explaining why. In one paragraph, write a note to the commissioner of the league whose vote counts for 50% of the award recipient. In the second paragraph, write to voters participating in the online poll that will determine the remaining 50% of the vote. Your topic is the same for each paragraph. Adjust your writing to accommodate two different audiences.


As an enthusiastic fan for our local team, I am honoured to write these words. First and foremost, I want to thank our wonderful league commissioner whose dedicated activity has let our team gain ever more recognition in our regional area. Not only this, his hard work has made him a representative of our community and not just for the sporting audience of our city. I can honestly say, the people of our community dearly appreciate his intervention which has led to the great results of today and any future ones that may come ahead.

It is also necessary to recognise all Online voters whose anticipated participation in the sports community decisions has led to a huge support in favor of the local team. Whether in favor or against, online voter´s opinions and decisions, have influenced management and transparent funding in all areas of the local sports arena.  All these positive attributes will continue to better and show positive results for professional athletes wanting to excel in all sports teams or our area.

What form is the underlined verb in the sentence? We have gone to this event for the past two years.a. past participle
b. present participle
c. present
d. past


If gone is underlined, then it is A) past participle.
Present participle would be going.
Present would be go/goes.
Past would be went.

What views about Raymond's run what's important do most of the stories and poems in this unit share? How do the selections differ in their views of what's important?


Raymond’s run is about not judging people by what you initially think. Squeaky things her brother can’t run but in the end of the story she realizes that he can and she shouldn’t have judged him. Expand on this

Identifying Adjectives and the Words They ModifyIdentify the adjectives and the words they modify in the following sentences. Do not include a, an, or the.
1. It costs five dollars to go to that movie.
1. five-dollars; that - movie

Please help with these questions below #1-10:

1. I have a free ticket for the last game.

2. We ate spicy crawfish, and they were delicious.

3. The new neighbor is helpful and nice.

4. The bear, angry and hungry, surprised the campers.

5. Many students compete in the regional events.

6. Will country musicians play at the county fair?

7. Despite the long delay, we remained cheerful.

8. A shiny coin stared up at me from the the icy sidewalk.

9. Take one booklet and pass the rest to the next row.

10. A few colorful birds perched in the tall, green trees on the bank of the river.

Please help with these questions thank you!!!!


1. Adjective=Free Modified Noun=Ticket
Why? Free  is one of the ticket's quality.

2. A=Spicy, Delicious MN=Crawfish
Why? Spicy  and delicious are two of the crawfish's qualities

3. A=New, Helpful, Nice MN=Neighbor
Why? New and helpful are two of the neighbor's qualities.

4. A=Angry, Hungry MN=Bear
Why? Angry and hungry are two of the bear's qualities.

5. A=Regional MN=Events
Why? Regional is a quality of the events taking place.

6.A=Country, County MN=Musicians, Fair
Why? Country and county describe the musicians and the fair respectively.

7. A=Long, Cheerful MN=Delay, We
Why? Long and cheerful are qualities of the delay and of "we" respectively.

8. A=Shiny,Icy MN=Coin, Sidewalk
Why? Shiny and icy describe the coin and the sidewalk respectively.

9. A=One, Next MN=Booklet, Row
Why? One and next modify booklet and row respectively.

10. A=Few, Colorful,Tall, Green MN=Birds, Trees
Why? Few modifies birds and colorful, tall, and green modify trees.