In a genotype for plant height, such as Tt, whatdoes each letter represent?
A. one genome
b. one gene
c. one allele d. one gamete


Answer 1

Genotype is the genetic basis of the organism. The individual letter in Tt represents the allele of the plant height trait.

What is an allele?

Alleles are the variant form of the gene present at the same loci of the chromosome that codes for the specific trait of the organisms.

Alleles can be dominant purebred, recessive purebred, or heterozygous for the trait. The alleles define the characters of the organisms.

Therefore, the option c. allele is depicted in the letter of Tt.

Learn more about allele here:

Answer 2
Answer: B is the correct answer for it

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The correct answer is option B

The mining of uranium is harmful for both air and water. Uranium is a radioactive compound that is extracted by mining.

Uranium ore emits the gas named radon. The health effects of exposure to radon have particular problems. Significant rate of lungs cancer was observed during the 1940s and 1950s.

Water is used in the heap leaching of the uranium mining. The water can get mixed into the normal supply of water and harm the health of people.

Mining of the radioactive element Uranium has the following negative effects on both air and water such as contamination.

What is Uranium?

This is a a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the periodic table, with atomic number 92 and is commonly used to run nuclear power plant.

it exists in the air and when contaminates water could lead to kidneyailments in affected individuals which is why option B was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Uranium here

How dose natural selection produce adaptations in a species?


For natural selection to occur, several premises must be satisfied. Firstly, there must be variation in a population. If all individuals are the same, there is no variation on which selection can occur. Secondly, these traits must be heritable, meaning they are passed from parent to offspring. Natural selection cannot operate on traits that have no genetic basis. There must also be differential reproduction, which means that some individuals must reproduce more than others. When all of these factors occur, natural selection results in evolution as advantageous traits propagate throughout the population.

Natural selection is quite variable, as changes in the environment impact what traits are advantageous in a particular time and place. A good of example of this comes from Galapagos finches. These birds have varying beak sizes. Wide beaks are best for eating hard seeds, while long narrow beaks are more adept at exploiting the fleshy fruit from trees. Typically narrow beaks are more prevalent, but during drought conditions when trees cannot produce fruit, seeds become a more abundant food item. This results in those finches with wide beaks having more food available and reproducing more than those with narrow beaks. When droughts persist over many years, wide beaks replace narrow beaks as the most common, but this trend reverses when droughts end and fruits once again become available.

When there is a natural selection upon any species this means that that specific species has an adaptation / a increase in survival skills .

There a Giraffes for EXAMPLE : one group of giraffes have medium length necks and the 2nd group has longer necks , so they can reach the 85 foot tall trees.

That was an example of natural selection , i hoped that my answer helped yo out a lot , have a nice day. 


What is the role of DNA in determining an organisms trait?


Everything. DNA contains genes and which genes a person has determines which (if any) proteins are formed. Based on how much of a protein is formed determines how strong a trait is expressed

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Sixteen years old is the age where the biggest difference between the average height of boys and girls can be observed. This is a difference of approximately 5.7 cm.


As we know, for biological reasons, boys and girls have different growths and different development in their bodies. However, the growth and development of boys and girls during childhood is very similar and only starts to look different even from adolescence, where individuals have great structural differences.

At 16 years of age, boys and girls have the greatest mean difference in height. While in previous years this difference was on average 1 centimeter, at 16 years old, girls are 150.8 cm tall on average, while boys are 156.5 cm tall.

Due to the average rate of growing starting to properly sprout at the age 11, surely those years around it would be the greatest difference.
I think there is about a 15cm difference on average.

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