What is the purpose of citing textual evidence in a literary analysis essay?


Answer 1
Answer: The purpose of citing textual evidence in a literary analysis essay is to let the readers know that the particular text is cited from a different source and see the end part of the paper for the full source of citation and ideas that you applied in your essay. 
Answer 2

The purpose of citing textual evidence in a literary analysis essay is to support and strengthen the arguments and claims made by the writer.

Textual Evidence

Textual evidence is a term used to describe specific citations or quotations from a written work that are used to substantiate or prove a statement, line of reasoning, or interpretation. Citing specific passages, words, or phrases from a book, a research paper, a historical account, or any other written work is a common practice used to back up claims or points of view.

It is crucial to check that the quoted passages are correct and pertinent to the argument you're trying to make when using text as proof. By misrepresenting the language, you run the risk of weakening your case and losing credibility. For the original author to receive credit and to prevent plagiarism, proper citation and referencing are also essential.

Learn more about citation here



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A. Block quotes should be indented 10 spaces, or 1 inch.
I believe that A is the correct answer.

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 _-_ - Maybe this should helpful a Little bit, but not that much just to give u some evidence or thoughts on ur own . IF THIS DIDN'T HELP AT ALL COMMENTS ↓ OR PM .

Which best summarizes the events from the poem contained in these lines? "When the sun was sunken, he set out to visit The lofty hall-building, how the Ring-Danes had used it For beds and benches when the banquet was over. Then he found there reposing many a noble Asleep after supper; sorrow the heroes, Misery knew not. The monster of evil Greedy and cruel tarried but little, Fell and frantic, and forced from their slumbers Thirty of thanemen"


The lines portray a monstrous creature brutally attacking a nobles' hall while the occupants are asleep after a banquet. The creature, described as a greedy, cruel 'monster of evil', slays thirty warriors, highlighting the contrast between the peace before the attack and the tragedy that follows.

The lines are from an Old English epic poem, possibly 'Beowulf'. They depict a malevolent creature, likely Grendel, who visits a noble hall after a banquet. The hall's occupants, the Ring-Danes, are asleep after their feast. The creature, referred to as a 'monster of evil', is described as being 'greedy and cruel' and causes havoc by killing thirty sleeping warriors, or 'thanes. '

The lines notably demonstrate the nature of Grendel, displaying his traits as a monsterof evil who shows no mercy or restraint, tarrying but little before killing the resting nobles. They capture the peace and innocence of the heroes prior to the attack, whilst also foreshadowing their tragic fate.

Learn more about Monster of Evil here:



The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "Then he found there reposing many a noble Asleep after supper; sorrow the heroes, Misery knew not" This is the line that summarizes the events from the poem contained in these lines