When Benito was five he cut his leg on some glass and needed stiches. Years later, his mother tells him the scar came from being bit by a dog. Now, when people ask about his scar he distinctly remembers the dog biting him. This is an example of the ___________.A Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigmB equipotentiality hypothesisC levels of processing theoryD misinformation effect paradigm


Answer 1


D misinformation effect paradigm


The misinformation effect: In psychology, the misinformation effect is defined as the inaccurate recall of past-event information by an individual. The new information that has been formed in an individual's memory works backwards in time to diminish or distort the memory related to the original event. It came into existence or being studied since the 1970s. It often leads to the development of false memories and inaccurate memories.

In the question above, the given statement is an example of the misinformation effect paradigm.

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Robberies are considered to be eithera. violent or nonviolent.
b. professional or amateur.
c. planned or unplanned.


The answer in the item above is: B. Robberies are considered to be either professional or amateur. Professional robberies are well thought planned and has been consistently making money or earning a living as a robber. The amateur robberies are those who are not really earning it as a living and are not consistent in committing the crime. Usually, they would go for banks.

How MIGHT stock issues be preferable to borrowing money for firms looking to finance operations?


A few considerations might make stock issues more preferable than debt financing. One, is the credit of the operation. If a firm has less than stellar credit, than the terms for lending might not be favorable to the operation.

Stock might be preferable as well if a company thinks that they can buy back the stock in a shorter time period than the terms of a loan.

Finally, stocks might be preferable depending on the amount of money requested. Loans will have fixed terms while larger funds can be raised for stock.



I think it's five distinct paths. I could be wrong but it's an educated guess.

Answer: a


Because I just read about it

Environmental policy addresses all of the following issues except _______.a. air pollution
b. water pollution
c. natural disasters
d. overfishing

Why is it important for environmental policy to address pollution concerns?
a. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health.
b. Pollution is damaging to the environment.
c. Pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources.
d. All of the above


For the first question, the correct answer is C: natural disasters.

Environmental policies do not comprehend natural disasters because they don't necessarily happen due to human activities. Air and water pollution and overfishing are things that only happen because of human activities, and these are the things that these policies try to diminish.

The second question's answer is letter D: all of the above.

Poluttion brings negative effects on human health, because it helps developed a lot of diseases. Also, it is damaging to the environment causing a lot of problems such as global warming. And last, it reduces the usable natural resources, like water, which is vital to the humanity.

Final answer:

Environmental policy tackles a range of issues including air and water pollution, and overfishing, but not natural disasters. These policies are extremely important as they help prevent pollution which can harm human health, damage the environment, and cause a reduction in usable natural resources.


Environmental policy addresses a number of issues including air pollution, water pollution, and overfishing. However, it generally does not directly address natural disasters. The policies are geared toward preventing and mitigating the causes of environmental harm, and while natural disasters can cause environmental damage, they are largely beyond human control and hence are not typically a primary focus of environmental policy.

The importance of environmental policy in addressing pollution concerns is immense. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health, from respiratory issues due to air pollution to diseases caused by water pollution. Additionally, pollution is damaging to the environment, causing problems such as loss of biodiversity and ecosystem imbalance. Finally, pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources, making it a sustainability issue that has far-reaching implications for future generations.

Learn more about Environmental Policy here:



Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal air pressure area. isobars
c. barometric lines
b. contour lines
d. pressure bars

A barometer is used to measure
a. wind speed
c. air pressure
b. wind direction
d. precipitation location


Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal air pressure are isobars.

The distribution of isobars go hand in hand with the magnitude and direction of winds and can be used to predict the weather.  

A barometer is used to measure air pressure.

A barometer is used in meteorology to because the pressure tendency can help forecast weather.


the answer is A. Isobars


i just took test and got it right

What is savanna grassland what it's future​



this is your answer ok this is the savaña grassland in future



The savanna grass lands in Africa are a vast expanse of land filled with tall dried varieties of grasses and sparse trees such as acacia trees. The future of these grass lands will probably not be so good in my opinion because of the rising of temperatures around the world.