Which of the following describes a 2×4 decoder? A)-Two AND gates, four Inverters, and one OR gate.
B)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and one OR gate.
C)-Two OR gates, four AND gates, and one Inverter.
D)-Two Inverters, four OR gates, and one AND gate.
E)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and no OR gates.


Answer 1


A decoder is a circuit which has n inputs and 2n outputs, and outputs 1 on the wire corresponding to the binary number represented by the inputs. For example, a 2-4 decoder might be drawn like this:

and its truth table (again, really four truth tables, one for each output) is:

i1  i0  d3  d2  d1  d0

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0

1 1 1 0 0 0


The following circuit generates all four minterms from two inputs, and implements the 2-4 decoder.

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see explaination


please kindly see attachment for the step by step solution of the given problem.

An 'array palindrome' is an array, which, when its elements are reversed, remains the same. Write a recursive function, isPalindrome, that accepts a tuple and returns whether the tuple is a palindrome. A tuple is a palindrome if: the tuple is empty or contains one element the first and last elements of the tuple are the same, and the rest of the tuple is a palindrome



Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

#define function

def isPalindrome(test):

#set the if condition to check tuple is empty


   return True

#Check the tuple contain 1 element


   return True

#check the element of tuple is palindrome or not



   #check first last element is equal or not

   if(test[0]==test[lenth-1] and isPalindrome(test[1:lenth-1] ) ):

   #then, return true

     return True



   #Return False,

     return False

#define tuple type variable and initialize


#print and call the function





Here, we define a function "palindrome()" and pass an argument in its parameter, inside the function.

  • Set the if conditional statement to check the following tuple is empty or not if the tuple is empty then, it returns true.
  • Set the elif conditional statement to check the following tuple containing one element, then it returns True.
  • Otherwise, we set the length of the tuple in the variable "lenth".
  • Then, set if conditional statement to check the first and the last element of the tuple is the same then, returns true.
  • Otherwise, it return false.

Write a simple arithmetic expression translator that reads in expressions such as 25.5 + 34.2 and displays their value. Each expression has two numbers separated by an arithmetic operator. (Hint: Use a switch statement with the operator symbol (type char) as a selector to determine which arithmetic operation to perform on the two numbers. For a sentinel, enter an expression with zero for both operands.)



Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.

//header file


//header file

#include <bits/stdc++.h>


using namespace std;

//set main function

int main()


//set float type variables

float a,s,m,d,c,b,g;

//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The First Number : ";


//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The Second Number: ";



//get variable from the user for Operation

cout<<" Enter the Operation which you want : ";

char choice;











g=fmod(c, b);

//set switch statement

//here is the solution



   case '+':  

     cout<<"Addition: "<<a<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '-':

     cout<<"Subtraction: "<<s<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '*':

     cout<<"Multiplication: "<<m<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '/':

     cout<<"Division: "<<d<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '%':

     cout<<"Modulus: "<<g<<endl;

     goto again;






return 0;


Here, we define the required header files then, we set main function.

  • set float type variables a,s,m,d,c,b,g.
  • Get input from the user for operation in the variable c,d.
  • Set character type variables in which we get input from the user for operations.
  • Then, we perform some operations.
  • Set switch statement which display the output according to the user an if user input wrong then statement breaks.

Write an if statement that assigns 100 to x when y is equal to 0. 32. Write an if/else statement that assigns 0 to x when y is equal to 10. Otherwise it should assign 1 to x. 33. Using the following chart, write an if/else if statement that assigns .10, .15, or .20 to commission, depending on the value in sales. Sales Commission Rate Up to $10,000 10% $10,000 to $15,000 15% Over $15,000 20%




if(y==0.3){ x = 100;}


if(y == 10){

x = 0; }

else {

x = 1; }


if(sales< 10000){

commission = 0.10;


else if(sales>= 10000 && sales <= 15000 ){

commission = 0.15;



commission = 0.20;



The statements written in brackets represent the conditions while the statements in {...} represent the operation that would be executed depending on the outcome of the if statement.

For 1: if(y==0.3){ x = 100;}

If y is 0.3, 100 would be assigned to x

For 2:

if(y == 10){ x = 0; }

If y is 10, 0 would be assigned to x

else { x = 1; }

If otherwise, 1 would be assigned to x

For 3:

if(sales< 10000){commission = 0.10;}

Is sales is less than 10000, commission would be 0.10

else if(sales>= 10000 && sales <= 15000 ){commission = 0.15;}

If sales is within range of 10000-15000, commission would be 0.15

else{commission = 0.20;}

If otherwise, commission would be 0.20

If you need speeds of 16 Mbps between two corporate sites in the United States, you would need a ________ leased line. T1 T3 OC3 None of these





A T3 is an acronym for Transmission system 3 and it is also known as Digital Signal Level 3 (DS3). T3 is a point-to-point physical circuit connection which is capable of transmitting up to 44.736Mbps.

This simply means that, when using a Transmission system 3 (T3), it is very much possible or easier to transmit data such as video and audio at the rate of 44.736Mbps.

Please note, Mbps represents megabit per seconds and it is a unit for the measurement of data transmission rate. The Transmission system 3 is an internet connection that has up to 672 circuit channels having 64Kbs.

Also, worthy of note is the fact that a T3 line is made up of twenty-eight (28) Transmission system 1 lines (T1) each having a data transfer rate of 1.544Mbps.

Additionally, Transmission 3 lines are symmetrical and duplex and thus, has equal upload and download speeds. Therefore, transmissions can be done on T3 lines simultaneously without the data lines being clogged or jammed.

If you need speeds of 16 Mbps between two corporate sites in the United States, you would need a T3 leased line.

Generally, the T3 lines are mostly used for multichannel applications and uninterrupted high bandwidth consumptions such as Telemedicine, internet telephony, video conferencing, e-commerce etc.

6 things you should consider when planning a PowerPoint Presentation.


Answer: I would suggest you consider your audience and how you can connect to them. Is your presentation, well, presentable? Is whatever you're presenting reliable and true? Also, no more than 6 lines on each slide. Use colors that contrast and compliment. Images, use images. That pulls whoever you are presenting to more into your presentation.
