A colon must follow a(n) __________. A. appositive B. long quotation C. independent clause D. list


Answer 1
independent clause , i know this is right hope it helps you 
Answer 2


c. independent clause


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Beowulf boasted to Lord Hrothgar by saying that he would fight Grendel without armor or a shield.
       Hope this helps!

Why do you think Shay does not want Dante to give her an “eraser tattoo” in return?



2 reasons

The first is that: I can't risk getting some kind of nasty eraser infection.

The Second is: that my dad will come back, find you, and kill you for marking me,” Shay replied


The tattoo really represents Shay, the memory will always be there as well as the love and the pain. As Dante grows the scar will fade and become more subtle just like how once the wound is closed Dante and Shay's relationship will become nothing more than a memory.

Which of the following is a nonverbal strategy in public speaking?a. pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis
b. varying the rate at which you speak
c. using gestures and facial expressions
d. using a series of words


c. using gestures and facial expressions

Nonverbal means not speaking. The answer choice must be one that does not involve words or speaking. The only option that does not have spoken words is option c. When people use gestures and facial expressions, they are adding a nonverbal layer of communication to their speech. Options A, B and D are all verbal strategies.

C is the obvious answer because a involves talking and b shows the same thing. D shows how people use different words which is talking. Gestures and facial expressions use hand and face, not your voice. 

Now, use the evidence gathered in part A to write a two-paragraph analysis about how Desai uses structure to createtension in "Games at Twilight." Write one paragraph explain how tension is created in the rising action and a second
paragraph about how tension is created in the climax. Be sure to revise your work to include phrases and correct spelling
before you submit your work.
TIP: If needed, review how to structure a good analysis paragraph.
Review the rubric to ensure your response meets expectations.
Claim on
Effects of
Revision of
Includes a precise claim and cites
relevant textual evidence that
shows the author's use of
Uses phrases to incorporate
details in the commentary that
help explain the impact of
structure. No spelling errors.
Includes a claim that does not clearly
connect to the task and cites textual
evidence that is not relevant to
understanding the text's meaning.
Lacks an accurate claim.
Lacks textual evidence.
Explains the use of structure but lacks a Lacks a clear or connected
explanation of the use
strong connection to its impact on
structure to create tension.
tension. Almost no spelling errors.
Many spelling errors.



In "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai, the author employs a carefully crafted structure to build tension throughout the narrative. During the rising action of the story, tension is masterfully created through the use of foreshadowing and the gradual buildup of anticipation. Desai introduces the game of hide-and-seek, a seemingly innocent childhood activity, and as the children engage in it, she skillfully hints at the consequences that might await the protagonist, Ravi, when he is chosen as the seeker. This foreshadowing plants the seeds of anxiety in the reader's mind, making each moment of Ravi's pursuit more suspenseful. As the other children find their hiding spots, Ravi's desperation and frustration increase, and the structure allows the tension to mount steadily, culminating in the climactic moment.

In the climax of the story, Desai's structural choices come to fruition, creating a powerful and emotional impact. As Ravi discovers the reality of his situation, being left in the dark storage shed as the other children forget about him, the tension reaches its peak. The structure accentuates the isolation and fear that Ravi experiences, as his world becomes confined to the tiny shed. The reader is drawn into the emotional turmoil of the character, feeling the intensity of the moment as if they were trapped alongside him. In this way, Desai's use of structure, from the initial foreshadowing to the climactic isolation, masterfully builds and sustains tension, making "Games at Twilight" a compelling exploration of childhood emotions and experiences.


Could someone please help me with this?Pick which pattern type this paragraph has.
"The art of letter writing seems to have declined sharply in recent years. Perhaps the rising cost of stationery and postage is a factor. Most people today are so busy with their jobs, their families, and their hobbies that they do not feel they have time to write letters. To a certain extent, television and personal computers have replaced communicating with friends as a form of entertainment. The advent of the telephone and the use of e-mail, however, are probably the most significant factor in the decrease of letter writing, because they give instant access to friends and loved ones."
-simple listing*
-order of importance
-spatial order
-time order


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "order of importance." The pattern of type that this paragraph has is that of order of importance. It started with a main topic and then followed by the supporting details of the  main topic.

The pattern type this paragraph uses is cause and effect.

Explanation: The paragraph type is cause and effect because it discusses the causes and effects of a situation. In the beginning, it states that "the art of letter writing seems to have declined sharply in recent years" and lists the probable causes of the letter decline.

when you are referring to two people, what is the correct way to say the following? woman women men man


women and men are the two answers