Christian monks taught laypeople the art of stained glass, which served which of the following functions in medieval Europe?


Answer 1
Answer: The function of this was to teach religious scriptures to illiterate people using images instead of text.
Answer 2

Correct answer is:

"Taught religious scripture to illiterate peasants through images."


The Medieval church performed an immense part in the Medieval Ages in which it was totally in charge over the people. Whether you were a farmer, a slave, a monarch or liberal, the church controlled overall. The people were taught in the old times that the only means to go to paradise was if the Roman Catholic Church approved them. Heaven, Hell, and God all subsisted to the personages, it was something they were prepared. They thought the idea to go to paradise was to serve God, Emperors, and Nobles, if you didn’t you would roast in hellfire. Workers were compelled to serve on church grounds and regard the charge of the church without reward. If workers did not have sufficient funds, cattle or food was required to be furnished.  The workers were informed by the Church that if a flop to pay taxes happened, it would drive to their souls proceeding to Hell later they had expired.

As the church was so important a component of daily life, and so prosperous, it was able to give its support to many diverse kinds of specialists. This, in turn, suggested that for a very long period the art created was essentially spiritual in essence.

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According to Benjamin Franklin and John Locke, a good government should function as an institution wherein it protects its citizens' natural rights.
the answer to your question is protect its citizens natural rights

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This was because of radical republicans who were antagonistic towards the South.  Though were laws that now allowed Blacks to vote, they were prevented by White mobs.  This would lead to another 100 years of struggle for equal rights for African Americans to finally be treated as equals.

White mobs stopped people of color from voting, millions of dollars of damage was caused from this. These fights went on for years causing many lives to be lost.

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The Non-Aligned Movement was a movement founded in 120 countries that were not part of any power bloc. It was the largest grouping of states worldwide after the UN.

The Non-Aligned Movement aimed to not get those countries involved in any power struggle between Western and Communist Blocs.

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I am not sure but it's prprobably

taking little action to aid Jews until World War II was nearly over


The first inhabitants of Oceania are believed to have come from which continent?Europe



South America


The correct answer is Asia.

The first human settlers in Oceania were Homo Sapiens who arrived from Southeast Asia, from them descend the current Papuans and Australian natives. After the first arrival of humans to Australia, the Austronesian people also arrived from Taiwan, they spread from Polynesia to Easter Island.

The route to Oceania definitely, as we know from archaeological founds and linguistic evidence, went from Africa (so this is in a way true, the way all humans come from Africa) through Asia (this would be the correct aswer), more specifically from Malaysia, towards Australia and Oceania.

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I would say North America.