In Antigone, Haemon emerges as a defender of the citizens' cause in the face of his father’s tyranny. Which lines in this excerpt from the play reflect Haemon’s respect for the Theban citizens’ opinions?HAEMON:
And, as thy son, it falls to me to mark
The acts, the words, the comments of the crowd.
The commons stand in terror of thy frown,
And dare not utter aught that might offend,
But I can overhear their muttered plaints,
Know how the people mourn this maiden doomed
For noblest deeds to die the worst of deaths.
O father, nothing is by me more prized
Than thy well-being, for what higher good
Can children covet than their sire's fair fame,
As fathers too take pride in glorious sons?
For whoso thinks that wisdom dwells with him,
That he alone can speak or think aright,
Such oracles are empty breath when tried.

See how the trees beside a stream in flood
Save, if they yield to force, each spray unharmed,
But by resisting perish root and branch.
The mariner who keeps his mainsheet taut,
And will not slacken in the gale, is like
To sail with thwarts reversed, keel uppermost.

Relent then and repent thee of thy wrath;
For, if one young in years may claim some sense,
I'll say 'tis best of all to be endowed
With absolute wisdom; but, if that's denied,
(And nature takes not readily that ply)
Next wise is he who lists to sage advice.


Answer 1

The following lines show us that Haemon believes that the opinions of the Theban citizens should be heeded:

"The commons stand in terror of thy frown,

And dare not utter aught that might offend,

But I can overhear their muttered plaints,

Know how the people mourn this maiden doomed

For noblest deeds to die the worst of deaths."

The citizens, according to Haemon, are too scared of defying Creon; however, Haemon can hear their objections to his decision, and he knows that they are on Antigone's side. They believe she is dying unfairly, and he respects their opinion, which is why he brings it to his father.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer to the question given above as to which line in the play did Haemon having respect to the Theban citizen is on the 7th line of the play saying that the Theban are the noblest in there action yet they died in a worst death.

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Final answer:

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