Stella, who notices that a man is walking behind her as she returns to her dormitory at night, quickly assesses the situation to determine if there might be any danger. She realizes with relief that it is someone she knows from class. She is using a(n) ____.a. ​standard appraisal modelb. ​emotion-based appraisal modelc. ​cognitive appraisal modeld. ​introspective appraisal model


Answer 1


C. Cognitive Appraisal model.


The theory of Cognitive Appraisal Model was coined by psychologist Richard Lazarus.

According to this theory, a person interpret a situation that how it will affect him/her. Or, we can say, that cognitive appraisal model is the assessing of a situation by the person. A person will assess that whether the situation appeared will harm him and how he can cope with the situation.

In the question, Stella is showing 'Cognitive Appraisal Model' because she assessed her situation which arouse a feeling of threat in her and then she decided to cope with the situation.

So, the correct answer is option C.

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What is the fundamental differences between human & animals?



Humans belong to the species “Homo sapiens”

Animals cover a number of species.

Humans are omnivores.

Most animals are either herbivores or carnivores. Animals like bears are omnivores.

The average human brain weighs 1.2 kgs

Brain size varies across species – with the largest ones weighing in at 6.92 kgs (blue whales) and the smallest ever belonging to the ragworm, measuring just under 180 micrometres across (equal to the width of a human hair)

Just like animals, humans are also driven by instincts. However, we can also reason.

Animals are primarily driven by instincts.

Modern humans are bipedal.

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Humans have “true language” to express themselves.

Animals communicate with each other; however, none have the complexity nor

the expressiveness of the human language.





  • Humans belong to the species “Homo sapiens”
  • Humans are omnivores.
  • The average human brain weighs 1.2 kgs
  • Humans are driven by instinct and reason
  • Modern humans are bipedal.
  • Humans have “true language” to express themselves.


  • Animals cover a number of species.
  • Most animals are either herbivores or carnivores. Animals like bears are omnivores.
  • Brain size varies across species – with the largest ones weighing in at 6.92 kgs (blue whales) and the smallest ever belonging to the ragworm, measuring just under 180 micrometres across (equal to the width of a human hair)
  • Animals are primarily driven by instincts.
  • Most vertebrates are quadrupedal, i.e., they walk on four legs. Few animals such as snakes crawl. The aquatic organisms have fins to swim.
  • Animals communicate with each other; however, none have the complexity nor  the expressiveness of the human language.

I hope this is good enough:

I understand that judge miller will hear that case


Who's judge miller? Explain please

I'm so glad the air conditioner broke on a day where the temperature only hit 100 degrees. What is the verbal irony in this statement? Who wouldn't be glad to have the air conditioning break on such a hot day? No one would be glad to have no air conditioning on such a hot day. The air conditioning breaking was an unexpected outcome. Air conditioning on such a hot day won't have an impact.


Answer: A) No one would be glad to have no air conditioning on such a hot day.

Explanation: An irony is a statement or a situation that seems contradictory when we compare it with what the audience or the characters are expecting to happen. It usually has a humorous effect or it helps to criticize an aspect of society. In the given sentence we can see a clear example of an irony because saying "i'm so glad" when referring to the air conditioning breaking in a specially hot day, is a contradiction.

The verbal irony is the fact that you wouldn't actually be happy about the air conditioner breaking, but it highlights the tragedy of the situation

What is john lennon's vision of peace? Give examples.


John Lennon's vision of peace is a utopia wherein mankind could live together in peace.

Further explanation

“Imagine” is a song by John Lennon


Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one

John Lennon’s vision of peace is thing where all peace-loving people want. It is a utopia wherein mankind could live together in peace. His song represents utopia and dystopia. Lennon's song is saying how he wants us to Imagine a perfect world without the awfulness

Learn more

  1. Learn more about Imagine by John Lennon

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  English

Chapter:  Lyrics

Keywords: Imagine,  John Lennon

John Lennon’s vision of peace is to establish a world with no boundaries. He wants to make the people ‘imagine’ what peace could bring in their lives. He therefore pleads the people to walk in the path of establishing peace with him.

Further Explanation:

John Lennon in his poem "Imagine" is asking the people of the world to try to live beyond the borders which we have made. He wants the readers to reject all the preconceived notions of the world and think beyond them. Lennon asks the readers to 'imagine' a world where we do not think about the notion of 'heaven' and 'hell'. These conceptions are the beliefs which compel the people to take certain actions in their life. The time when the people will start to live for 'today' and do not worry about 'heaven' and 'hell', that day peace would be established silently. He also wants us to 'imagine' about the absence of any country and 'religion'. This would help the people to 'live in peace' without thinking to conquer or to 'kill' the people. Imagining these things makes the poet conscious. He says to his readers that the day will come when he would not be alone in this imagination. He hopes that everyone will join him too. Lennon believes that if the race of 'greed or hunger' would come to an end, 'brotherhood' would be established in the world. The poet says that because of these imaginations he would be called 'a dreamer' but at the same time, he hopes that a day would come when the people of 'world' would 'join' him in the establishment of peace in the world.

Learn more:

1. What main characteristic of this text makes it a myth?

2. Which of these is an example of personification?

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: English Literature

Chapter: “Imagine” by John Lennon


Imagine, John Lennon, heaven, hell, peace, establishment, live in peace, greed or hunger, brotherhood, religion.

Why is it so difficult for the man to light the last fire?


I think because he has very little energy remaining and has been out in the cold for too long.
His limbs are freezing at this point which greatly disrupt his coordination. Between stiffness and numbness, he is unable to hold onto anything to nourish the flame.

Which of the following sentences has problems with misplaced or dangling modifiers? Check all that apply.

A. After reading the whole book, the plot seemed a little thin.
B. After he finished dinner, Raul turned on the tv.
C. The firefighter rescued the women in a blue nightgown.
D. Jim spotted an eagle as it flew over the Grand Canyon.


"C. The firefighter rescued the women in a blue nightgown" has a misplaced modifier because it's unclear as to whether the woman or the firefighter was wearing a blue nightgown. 


A and C
