Which verb form correctly completes this sentence? Hace dos días que Federico se cayó y ________ dolor en la espalda.tuve


Answer 1


Hace dos días que Federico se cayó y tuvo dolor en la espalda. tuve tuvo tuvimos tuviste.


The sentence is referring to an action in the past that happened to a third person (Federico). This is why the conjugation of the verb “tener” that must be used in the second part of the sentence must be “tuvo”.

On the other hand, the verbs “tuve”, “tuvimos” and “tuviste”, -although conjugated in past tense- are used when talking about other personal pronouns, as follows:

Tuve”: when talking in first person (“yo”).

Tuvimos”: when talking in the first person of the plural (“nosotros”).

Tuviste”: when talking in second person (“”).

Answer 2
Answer: tuvo is the answer to your question 

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1. Doce treinta y cinco

2. Dos con cuatro

3. Dos cincuenta

4. Tres veinte

5. Cuatro en punto

6. Cinco y media

Just add "de la tarde" after every sentence.


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a. Marta es menor que Anita.
b. Anita es menor que Marta.
c. Anita es mayor que Marta.
d. Anita es mejor que Marta.


Correct answer:

b. Anita es menor que Marta.

Since Marta is 15 years old and Anita is 14 years old, thereforeAnita is younger than Marta. So in this sentence we use the form menor que after the conjugation of the verb ser for the third person singular in the simple present, which is es. Finally:

Anita es menor que Marta

B. Anita es menor que Marta :)

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hola como estas hoy

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27. ayer
29. hoy
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I have noticed that telenovela will last for about a year, but usually not longer than that, and a U.S. soap opera goes on for years.

Telenovela's have more music in the background to add to the dramatic effects.

Both are just as dramatic, from what I have seen.

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Mi hermano y yo ______(tocar) la guitarra. a tocas b toca c tocamos d toco


the answer is d because when you talk about yourself in spanish it ends with “o”
The correct answer is c because you are talking about your brother and you, so is referring “us”with the letter c
The translation is “ My brother and I play the guitar.”