Why did some texans choose to support the union in the civil war?a. They thought Texas should be an independent nation
b. They were immigrants who did not understand the declaration of causes
c. They were afraid of being drafted into the military
d. They did not believe they would benefit from protecting slavery.

How did Texas obtain the weapons Confederate troops needed?
a. They took them from the Union forces
b. They transported them from the West by growing railroad
c. They used their border with Mexico as a trade route
d. They used their location near the Mississippi River to gain access to Southern markets

Which words would most Texans have associated with the Civil War at the time it began?
a. Hasty and Immortal
b. Honor and Glory
c. Quick and Simple
d. Tiresome and Boring

Why were many federal troops placed in Western Texas after the Civil War?
a. To increase population
b. To influence the largest area of Texas with citizens of Southern ancestry
c. To police the area from confederate raiders
d. To provide protection from American Indian attacks

Why did Galveston suffer more direct effects of the Civil War than other Texas cities?
a. Galveston was located near the cotton-growing region of Texas
b. The Union blockade brought it into direct contact with enemy troops
c. Union soldiers wished to end trade between Texas and Mexico
d. The people of the city had opposed the actions of German Unionists

What was an immediate economic effect of the Civil War on Texas?
a. Texas had to raise the pay of its women workers
b. Texas had to raise money to pay soldiers in the Union Army
c. Texans had to pass new tariffs to replace those that had been repealed
d. Texans had to create a new way of organizing their labor force

A student is researching both Lincoln's and Johnson's plans for Reconstruction using a search engine. Which website should she visit to find information?
a. Congress Leads the Way
b. Rise of Redeemer Governments in the 1870s
c. Political Reforms in the South, 1865-1866
d. Winning the War at Palmito Ranch

Which of the following were effects of the Congressional Reconstruction in Texas but not of Presidential Reconstruction? Select all that apply.
a. Passage of "black codes"
b. Emergence of racial violence
c. Election of African American officeholders
d. Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment

How did the Constitution of 1876 seek to end the changes of the Reconstruction era?
a. It replaced the constitution of 1845
b. It ratified the Emancipation Proclamation
c. It supported the Declaration of Causes
d. It limited the power of the Texas governor

What event directly led to the end of the Reconstruction in Texas?
a. A new U.S. president removed all federal presence in 1877
b. Democratic governments passed "black codes"
c. Texas rejoined the Union and wrote a new constitution
d. General Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House

Reconstruction in Texas had which of the following negative effects on African Americans?
a. "black codes"
b. Education opportunities
c. Freedman's Bureau
d. Voting rights

Which plan for reconstruction tried to allow the former Confederacy to rejoin the Union the most quickly?
a. Presidential plan
b. Congress' plan
c. Hamilton's plan
d. Houston's plan

Restate the plan you identified in the preceding question. Then, write a few sentences describing how the changes it caused in Texas were similar to and different from at least one other Reconstruction plan.

Which political party came to power in the United States as a Reconstruction came to an end?
a. Republican Party
b. Unionist Party
c. Secessionist Party
d. Democratic Party

What was the most significant result of the election of the party you identified in the previous question? Give details to justify your answer.

What would Texas most likely have done during the Civil War if it had been located farther East?
a. Sided with the Union
b. Avoided the Union blockade
c. Kept Sam Houston in office as governor
d. Experienced greater destruction from the war

How did the Civil War affect Texas economically, and how did these effects impact the people of Texas?

How did life change for most African Americans in Texas right after the Civil War ended?
a. Most remained slaves, but were given more rights
b. Most remained slaves and did not see any change in their rights
c. Slaves were set free, but then many laws were passed to take away rights they received
d. Slaves were set free and many laws were immediately passed to protect the rights of African Americans


Answer 1


The following options are correct

  1. They were immigrants who did not understand the declaration of causes
  2. They used their border with Mexico as a trade route
  3. Quick and Simple
  4. To influence the largest area of Texas with citizens of Southern
  5. The people of the city had opposed the actions of German Unionists
  6. Texans had to pass new tariffs to replace those that had been repealed
  7. Winning the War at Palmito Ranch
  8. Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment
  9. It replaced the constitution of 1845
  10. Democratic governments passed "black codes"

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new mexico was a territory, not a state.


The biggest difference is that a State has its rights recognized by the constitution and can make laws of their own. Territories do not have such rights recognized and their laws can even be changed. New Mexico would only become a State in 1912.

This is because New Mexico was a territory, not a state.

Which of these items would not have been available during the Neolithic period?A. Fur clothing
B. Wooden arrows
C. Metal knives
D. Stone pots


The accurate answer is:
C. Metal knives

The answer behind this is:
There wasn't metal making during this period 

What was the core business that made Standard Oil a horizontally integrated monopoly?finding new uses for oil

refining oil

building oil pipelines

transporting oil to customers


It was an American oil producing, That was transporting, refining, and marketing company.And was established in 1870 by John Rockefeller as a corporation in Ohio Its controversial history as 1 of the worlds 1st and largest multinational corporations ended in 1911, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that standard was an illegal monopoly.

What is the difference between the middle passage and the triangular trade?


The Middle Passage specific refers to the journey the Africans slaves made from Africa to the Americas. It is called that because it was 2nd trip made by European slaves ships during the Triangular Trade.

The Triangular trade refers to the entire process, and similar to what you described in your question. That is, the European ships traveled to Africa to sell manufactured products for slaves; then these ships took the slaves and continued on across the Atlantic to the Americas (the middle passage), and traded the slaves for raw materials (like cotton) from the colonies; and finally they took these raw materials back to Europe to make clothing and whatever.  

List three states that do not have ports on the atlantic ocean


Iowa, California, Montanna

How did early Muslims treat Jews and Christians


They overthrew their countries in the name of Allah. Atheists, or those the Qur'an calls Infidels had to convert to Islam and if they resisted, they were killed. 
For Christians and Jews, well they occupied their nations and were forced to pay the Jizya, that is a tax. With it they built the Mosque of Omar that is in Jerusalem today. 
Non-Muslims often had to dress in common clothes and were prohibited from riding horses--a reminder of their subjection. 
And when they paid their tax, they must approach the collector with their faces down, not looking in his eyes. Again, to remind them they were inferior and in subjection. Then the collector would slap them in the face before taking their money. 
In most conquered countries, the Christians usually converted after a couple generations. Then they did not have to pay the tax.  Hope this helped

The Jews and Christians were treated fairly