(1) El torneo de natación ____ el verano pasado.a. terminó
b. terminaba
c. terminé
(2) Cuando era pequeña (yo) ____ todos los programas infantiles.
a. vi
b. vieron
c. veía
(3) Daniel ____ todas sus cosas y se fue.
a. recogió
b. recogíais
c. recogíais
(4) Hace tres años que (nosotros) ____ esta casa.
a. comprábamos
b. compramos
c. compraron
(5) De niño me ____ jugar en el patio de mi casa con mis compañeros de clase.
a. encantó
b. encanté
c. encantaba
(7) _________ cuando ellos _________a la calle.
(8) Cuando (yo) _________ a la tienda ya _________ cerrada.
(9) De repente (yo) _________ de que (yo) _________ deberes.
(10) Normalmente yo _________mientras mi madre _________


Answer 1


1. terminó

2. veía

3. recogió

4. compramos

5. encantaba

7. Llovía, salieron

8. llegué, estaba

9. recordé, tenía

10. corría, veía


The Simple Preterite indicates an enunciated action that is considered finished. It applies to actions completed in the past that are not necessarily related to the factual status of the present situation.

It is used in Spanish to express:  actions that take place at a certain moment in the past in a timely manner or a new action that occurs in the past and that interrupts a course of action that was already in progress and that is expressed in the past tense.

On the other hand, the imperfect past tense of the indicative describes an action or state in the past whose time limits are not relevant, that is, a grammatical time of the past with a grammatical aspect. It is used in Spanish to express courses of past actions whose beginning and end are not specified

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Conjuguer le verbes régulier en IR. Conjuguer le verbe le verbe régulier en AR. Conjuguer le verbe régulier en ERA rendre mardi le 26 sept

Don Juan ManuelLibro del Conde Lucanor, Exemplo XXXV
Madrid: Alhambra Longman, 1985

¿Qué comunica la mujer con el uso de la hipérbole en "no os... cien caballos"
(párrafo 5)?

Que será dueña de muchos animales

Que agradece la transformación de su hija

Que ella nunca cambiará

Que lamenta la muerte del gallo



The correct answer is: That she will be the owner of many animals.


AI-generated answerIn the given excerpt from Don Juan Manuel's "Libro del Conde Lucanor, Exemplo XXXV," the woman communicates the idea of owning a large number of animals through the use of hyperbole in the phrase "no os... cien caballos" (paragraph 5).  

The correct answer is: That she will be the owner of many animals.

The hyperbole is evident in the statement that she will have "not one... but a hundred horses." This exaggerated statement conveys her future ownership of a significant number of animals, emphasizing her wealth and prosperity.

1 pointCompleta la oración con la palabra del vocabulario que falta. "Cuando
Manzano era esclavo, le obligaban a vestir ropa_______.
A. andrajosa
B. diligencia
C. impertinente






A. andrajosa (tattered)


"Cuando  Manzano era esclavo, le obligaban a vestir ropa andrajosa.

Ano ang saliganbatas
