If an investigator finds a computer that is turned off during a search with a warrant, the investigator should:___________.A. turn on the computer.
B. leave the computer turned off.
C. unplug the computer from the wall.
D. none of the above


Answer 1


B. leave the computer turned off.


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Python (D) on Edg



JAVA & Python


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The best answer that would complete the incomplete sentence 'When you drag the graphics _ handle the graphic moves in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction' would be the word rotate. The answer is a graphics rotate handle.

Describe three different camera shots the director uses in Casablanca. What effect does each of these shots have on the plot, mood, etc. of the film?


The movie Casablanca was considered as the standard for Classic Hollywood Movies. Below are the three different camera shots used by the Director in the movie:
1. The point of View Shot: also referred as POV shot. It is the camera shot where it shows what the character or the subject looking at in the film.
2.  Wide Shot: it also termed by others as the long shot or full shot. In the movie, it is the shot from a distance so the people or the characters will appear as indistinct shapes.
3. High angle Shot: In the film, it is the type of shot wherein the camera is placed above the subject with its lens pointing downward to make the subject small. Typically used in horror movies.

MacBook Pro (2019) at 93% max capacity battery rating after 100 charge cycles. Is this normal? Used coconut battery to check this.



This is not a normal situation. Go to Apple Support!!!

1,000 battery cycles

Most current Macs (MacBooks, MacBook Airs, and MacBook Pros) use batteries assessed as having 1,000 battery cycles. That's pretty much good enough for at least three years of regular use.

Your battery might drain fast when you're working on your Mac because, for one reason or another, you're running one-too-many apps at the same time. ... To do this, simply click on the battery icon on the top right corner of your screen, or run the activity monitor app.

Use this website for more ways to fix your computer:


I say it depends if you got the computer at the beginning of the year. If you got it later in 2019, go to the apple store and ask.

A Web ____ is a software program that retrieves the page and displays it. Select one:a. browser
b. client
c. station
d. server


a. browser Web browsers are programs like internet explorer, safari, chrome. You use them to access web pages on the internet.

What is a database,file,record,field and data?


Data Base: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.

File: a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. (this is for the computer and not like paper)

a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form. (so like a past item)

the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media.