A preventative measure against home accidents is toSelect one:
O a. provide all staircases with handrails
b. run electric cords under large rugs
c. paint the bottom step of the cellar stairs a dark color
O d. use a damp cloth to wipe spots from the top of a hot stove


Answer 1




a makes the most logical sense. letter b runs the risk of someone tripping and hurting them selves. letter c could cause someone to miss the last step and hurt themselves as well. letter d runs the risk of the towel burning and the person can burn themselves very badly

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Why do animals with bilateral symmetry move faster than animals with radial symmetry


Are you shure this is a health question it doesn´t sound like a health question

A medical scribe is a person who


A medical scribe is a person who "makes referral letters for physicians." Basically medical scribe are assistants to physicians they make referral letters for patients they sort any documentation for the patient. They also help in e-prescribing medicine to patients and help run medical exams.

Hope this helps!

The above pic says clearly about a medical scribe