Which of the following statements best predicts the effect of increasing the permeability of the mitochondrial membranes to large molecules?


Answer 1

The options missing from the question is given below:

  1. ATP production will increase because of an increase in the rate at which proteins diffuse out of mitochondria;
  2. ATP production will increase because of an increase in the mixing of mitochondrial and cytosolic substances;
  3. ATP production will decrease because of an increase in the occurrence of uncontrolled chemical reactions;
  4. ATP production will decrease because of an increase in the surface area of the mitochondrial membranes

The correct answer is  3 above.

ATP production reduces and ultimately drops due to the irregularities caused by the increased permeability of the mitochondrial membranes.

Also triggered by the increase in permeability are bioenergetic crises and a decrease in oxygen consumption rate.

Osmotic imbalance and changes in the ion homeostasis of the cell-matrix is the major causative factor for Mitochondrial swelling.

Learn more about Mitochondrial Membranes in the link below:


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Scientific inquiries usually begin with the formulation of a question. Can a scientific inquiry be constructed about any question? A. No; the question must be testable or scientifically investigable.

Yes; one universal scientific method can be applied to any question.

No; only questions about supernatural events may be investigated.

Yes; it is possible to investigate any question through scientific inquiry.


The answer is:

No, the question must be testable or scientifically investigable.

i know i got this right because i went into study island and i got it right.



No; the question must be testable or scientifically investigable.


An unsupported generalization about a category of people?





Just got it right on Ed

An unfair prediction placed on a group of people. Also known as, a stereotype.

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Not really, because he fails to defend his kingdom from attacks.


  • King of Denmark Hrothgar decides to build a new court. At first, without even knowing it, monster Grendel began conflict with him.
  • Hrothgar was not able to defend his kingdom.
  • In the meanwhile the famous hero Beowulf decides to cross the seas to help Denmark get rid of Grendel.

All of the following are important reasons to take notes exceptA. to record the information the instructor wants you to learn.
B. to serve as a study guide.
c. to write down everything the instructor says.
D. to highlight important ideas in a textbook.


All of the given are important reasons to take notes except to write down everything the instructorsays. The correct option is C.

What are notes?

Taking notes involves more than merely recordingeverything you hear or read. It is a process of going through, tying together, and synthesizing concepts from your readings or lectures.

Keep active and interested throughout lectures, reading, and revising by taking notes. Clarify your mind and comprehend what you are learning.

You can use it to study. To get the most out of your notes, regularly review them. They can be used to create digital flashcards or even model test questions.

All of the aforementionedjustifications for taking notes—aside from recording every word the instructor says—are significant.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding textbook notes, visit:





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the answer to the following question:

A high school athlete is brought to the emergency department after collapsing during outdoor practice on a hot day. The patient is weak, irritable, and confused. Serum sodium is 152 mEq/L and has dry mucous membranes and tachycardia. What is the initial approach to rehydration in this patient?

 sweating would be the answer