Which sentence from the source best supports the reasonrecreational Sports are valuable because youth need to
exercise daily
(1) American youth have school commitments and
extracurricular activities (2) Many also enjoy leisure
activities, such as teadmg and playing video games (3)
The US Department of Agriculture recommende that young
people ages 0 17 should engage in 20 minutes of physical
activity each day (1) The specife amount of activity
needed for a healthy lifestyle depends on daily calorie
Marktha and skum
Save and ENTO


Answer 1

The US department of agriculture recommends that young people aged 6-17 should engage in physical activity of 60 minutes daily.

Answer: Option 3.


According to the recommendation that has been given by the department of agriculture of the United States of America, there should be recreational sports which are very important especially for the children who are young and are aged from 6-17 years because these are the activities and the games in which children use a lot of energy.

Not only young children but also adults should indulge and engage themselves in recreational sports because these are a way to spend healthy lifestyle and are a recipe for having a good health.

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Adverbs that describe pizza

1. List two things Lyddie appreciates and two things she does not like about living in the boardinghouse.?


1 she appreciates because she often gets paid

2 has somewhere to live 

1 has to cook and do many things 

2 has to be working all the time

Macy couldn't help but notice everyone looking at her as she walked down the hall. She could hear their whispers as she walked to homeroom on the first day of school. During the summer, Macy's hair had grown so much that it reached the middle of her back. Although it was normal for girls to have long hair, Macy had always had short hair and refused to grow it out. Therefore, all of her classmates were astonished by her Rapunzel-like transformation. However, Macy had a good reason for her change of heart. She wanted to grow her hair out so that she could donate her hair. She had heard that many people with certain medical conditions lost their hair. She had also learned that she could donate hair so that wigs could be made. The wigs helped boost confidence during such difficult times. After learning this, Macy felt that she could do her part by growing out her hair. Which sentence shows an example of allusion?


The sentence that shows an example of an allusion is as follows:

"Therefore, all of her classmates were astonished by her Rapunzel-like transformation".

An allusion is a literary technique in which a reference is made to a person, place or thing which happened in the past. In this case, the allusion is towards, Rapunzel, a princess with very long, flowing hair.


Therefore, all of her classmates were astonished by her Rapunzel-like transformation.


Study Island Answer

Which passage from the Declaration of Independence most clearly reflectsthe Enlightenment principle of addressing a broken social contract?
A. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.
B. We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and ou
sacred Honor.
c. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
D. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


The most concise expression of the Enlightenment idea dealing with a breached social compact may be found in this phrase from the Declaration of Independence: "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it." It's accurate to select option (A).

The thirteen United States of America's unified Declaration of Independence, A decent respect for human opinion demands that when in the course of human events.

One person must dissolve the political bands that bind them to another and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, they must declare the reasons behind their separation.

The current King of Great Britain has endured several injuries and usurpations throughout his reign, all aimed at establishing an absolute tyranny over these states. To demonstrate this, let Facts be presented to an open universe.

Therefore, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it. It's accurate to select option (A).

Learn more about the Declaration of Independence here,






your welcome


Identify and explain the ways in which the poem"Teenagers" by pat mora explores how relationships impact our lives. Please help!!!!!!



I think that her poems helps us to understand that based on a certain relationship we can all change in the matter of days, years, months, and so on. But it shows us that people do not stay the same and that is because of the relationships that we have. So she is saying that the little kids that she once held have changed because they catch on to different things that people do outside of there house.


I hope that helps you!!

Find synonyms for the folowing words:holiday
to observe
for night
to come to
to find out
to enjoy


Holiday - vacation.
Start- Begin.
Wonderful - Amazing.
Village - Small town.
Before - Previously.
High - Up.
To observe - Percieve.
For night - Dark.
Glad - Happy.
To come to - Arrive at a point.
Blonde - Fair/Yellow.
Kind - Warm Hearted.
Amazed - Astound
To find out - Discover
To enjoy -Pleasure.
Chance - Possibility.
Celebration,begin,fantastic,suburb,previously,tall,alert,dark,overjoyed,approach,bleached, thoughtful, bewildered,discovered,love,at random

PLEASE ANSWER!!! Onomatopoeia!!!Find 2 onomatopoeias in the paragraph.

Tonight was the night she had been waiting for. Princess Penelope was head over heels for Prince Patrick and she had finally persuaded her father to allow her to attend the annual royal ball. She could hardly wait. Upon hearing the news, Penelope had sprinted like a cheetah all the way down to the royal dress shop to pick out the perfect dress. As she searched through the racks, each dress seemed to shudder with excitement, waiting to be chosen. Glancing around, Penelope's eyes landed on the most beautiful dress ever made. The dress was a sparkling ruby as it reflected light from every angle. Penelope thought the dress must be the color of Dorothy's slippers. Trying on the dress, Penelope knew it was meant to be worn by her. Now at the ball, her dress swished as she passed the prince. When she turned around, she found his eyes fixed on hers like laser beams.


Ok, so Onomatopoeia means the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.

So the Onomatopoeias in the paragraph is:

Shutter, and swished

Hope I helped!!