1. El tren (salir) a las nueve y media de la noche. 2. Los estudiantes (querer) estudiar antes del examen. 3. Yo (tener) el pasaporte la semana que viene.


Answer 1


For the following exercise, we have to complete the sentences with the future tense of the verbs in parentheses


The future tense is used to describe plans or actions in the future, such as predictions or possibilities and probabilities. In Spanish there are two main ways to express future, the first one is the infromal future: IR + infinitive and the simple future which is said with only one word that is the main verb conjugated into the future form.

To conjugate verbs into future, we have to add the correct ending to the end of the verb in infinitive like this:

yo -é

tú -ás

usted, él, ella -á

nosotros -emos

ustedes, ellos, ellas -án

1. El tren saldrá (salir) a las nueve y media de la noche.

2. Los estudiantes querrán (querer) estudiar antes del examen.

3. Yo tendré (tener) el pasaporte la semana que viene.

4. Mi familia y yo visitaremos (visitar) a mis tíos en Oregón.

5. Tú sabrás (saber) la respuesta mañana.

1. The train will leave at half past nine at night.

2. Students will want to study before the exam.

3. I will have my passport next week.

4. My family and I will visit my uncles in Oregon.

5. You will know the answer tomorrow.

Related Questions

(caminar, imperfect progressive) y me cai. A) Estoy caminando. B) Estaba caminar. C) Estaba caminando. D) Estoy caminar
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Mis amigos y yo ____________________ que fue (it was) aburrido. a.dijo c.dijeron b. dijimos d.dijiste



The correct answer is option b. dijimos.

So, the phrase is: Mis amigos y yo dijimos que fue aburrido.


All the options presented are conjugated in the past tense correctly, but not all are agreeing with the subject. In Spanish conjugation changes depending not only on the tense but also on the gramatical number and person used. The subject is the one that addresses both, and for the sake of the agreement of the whole sentence the verb conjugation has to be coherent with it.

Note that the phrase is indicating that My friends and I ("Mis amigos y yo") said that is was boring, which refers to the plural first person (we). So, only option b. dijimos matches this criterion, as is the conjugation of the Spanish verb "decir" in the plural first person (we).

Option a. dijo is not correct because is conjugated in the singular third person (she/he). Option c. dijeron is neither the correct answer for it is conjugated in the plural third person (they). And option d. dijiste is incorrect because is using the singular second person (you).

B. Dijimos

Whenever you are involved in the group you are to use nosotros conjugation

La Patagonia es una región de Argentina donde hay mucha nieve.



the answer would be true

Fill up the blanks :- #1. Yo no __________ en el comedor. Answer estoy/ estamos/ está/ estás. #2. Hay unos __________ en la cocina. Answer patio /gabinetes ✔/ sofá/ garaje. #3. El horno __________ en la cocina. Answer estás /está ✔ /estoy /estamos. #4. La mesa no __________ en el patio. Answer está/n estoy /está✔ estamos.#5. El patio __________ detrás de (behind) la casa. Answer estás/ estamos/ está✔/ estoy.#6. Hay una __________ en la sala familiar. Answer microondas/ lámpara ✔ /nevera/ horno. #7. Hay un lavaplatos en la __________.Answer comedor/ garaje /

#8.Usted __________ en el garaje.
estoy /está/estamos /están✔

#9.El televisor __________ en la sala.
estoy #10. El microondas __________ en la cocina.

#11. Nosotros no __________ en la casa.
estamos ✔
estoy Last one :)

Tú __________ en la sala familiar.


Hello! It will be a pleasure to help you since I am a Spanish speaker. We use the verb Estar to indicate temporary states and locations. In this way, this verb stands for position, location, action, condition, and emotion. So let's talk about them:

a) Position. Refers to the physical position or posture a person or thing is in.

b) Location. Describes where a person or thing is permanently or temporarily.

c) Actions. We use this verb to describe ongoing actions

d) Conditions. We can use this verb to express things that are likely to vary over several hours, days, or even years.

e) Emotions. We can use this verb to express what a person is feeling at a certain moment.


1. The right answer is estoy

Yo no estoy en el comedor (I am not in the dining room)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the first-person singular (yo) is estoy.

2. The right answer is gabinetes

Hay unos gabinetes en la cocina (There are some cabinets in the kitchen)

The noun of this sentence must be in the plural form and hay unos forces the noun to be male. In this way, gabinetes is the only word that fulfills with that.

3. The right answer is está

El horno está en la cocina (The oven is in the kitchen)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar that fits the third-person singular is está.

4. The right answer is está

La mesa no está en el patio (The table is not in the patio)

In this case, mesa is a female noun. Anyway this noun matches the third-person singular. So, the conjugation of the verb estar is está

5. The right answer is está

El patio está detrás de la casa (The patio is behind the house)

This sentence also stands for location. The conjugation is the same as in the exercise 3.

6. The right answer is lámpara

Hay una lámpara en la sala familiar (There is a lamp in the family room)

It is obvious that you find a lamp (lámpara) in a family room. It isn't common to find a freezer (nevera), an oven (horno) or a microwave oven (microondas) in this place.

7. The right answer is cocina

Hay un lavaplatos en la cocina (There is a dishwasher in the kitchen)

It is obvious that you find a dishwasher (lavaplatos) in a kitchen. So, it isn't common to find it in a dinning room (comedor), a garage (garaje) or a living room (sala)

8. The right answer is está

Usted está en el garaje (You are in the garage)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the second-person singular (formal you)is está.

9. The right answer is está

El televisor está en la sala (The TV is in the living room)

This is the same case as in the exercise 3.

10. The right answer is está

El microondas está en la cocina (The microwave oven is in the kitchen)

This is the same case as in the exercise 3.

11. The right answer is estamos

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the first-person plutal (nosotros)is estamos.

12. The right answer is estás

estás en la sala familiar (You are in the family room)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation for the verb estar for the second-person singular (tú)is estás.

1 estoy
2 gabinetes
3 esta
4 esta
5 esta
6 lampara
7 cocina
8 esta
9 esta
10 esta
11 estamos
12 estas

What does ¿A ti te gusta? Mean


It means " Do you like it"?

Answer:I hope this helps


¿ A ti te gusta- Spanish

Do you like it- English

¿A ti me gusta means do you like it

What are the characteristics of Spanish spoken in Florida that distinguish it from other kinds of Spanish? (Especially in pronunciation)


his is the dialect of urban mainland Mexico, Florida, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and the majority of Central and South American countries. While there are differences in how Spanish is spoken amongst people in these countries, Latin American Spanish is usually referred to as thus in order to differentiate between it and the Spanish spoken in Spain. The difference is similar to English as it is spoken in England vs the U.S.; U.S. English speakers can understand each other with little effort even though someone from the Midwest speaks very differently than a person from the Northeast or a person from the Southeast.
the spanish of Florida is like the one in spain but with hispanic roots.

Who forced napoleon bonaparte to abandon plans for an American empire ?


Touissant-Louverture forced Napoleon Bonaparte to abandon plans for an American Empire.

Hope this Helps!
the Touissant-Louverture