What happens to the truck and skateboard as you step off of them?


Answer 1


u fall


personal experience

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Why are frames of reference important for motion


Because frame of reference decides are your forces positive or negative. It is important for the direction of motion.

What is a Example of a subatomic particle


Proton, Neutron, Electron, Photon, Neutrino to name a few

Which wave causes the medium to vibrate only in a direction parallel to the wave's motion?


longitudinal waves causes the medium to vibrate only in a direction parallel to the wave's motion

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Atomic number equals the number of protons or the number of electrons.

How do you know if a wave is a transverse wave or a longitudinal wave?

please help...


In a longitudinal wave, the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave .
A transverse wave is a wave in which the motion of the medium is a right angles to the direction of the wave.

Simplified answer:
Longitudinal wave move left and right.( does not goes up and down) Example-sound wave.
Transverse wave move up and down. Example-water wave, light wave

True or false. Motion is a change in direction. If false change direction to a word that makes it true


False. Motion can be in just one direction (like forward, backward, etc).

Motion is a change in position.