How changing weather patterns affect food production, the spread of disease or damage to homes, transportation, or the electric grid


Answer 1

Answer:Reduced Crop production and yield due to erosion and bush fires.

Spread of Diseases through the spread of Bacteria and other pathogens.

Damage to Homes High sea level causing flooding.

transportation increased accidents due to reducing visibility.

Electric grid Damage caused by strong winds breaking down electric installations.

Explanation: Recently the sea levels have increased causing the water to flow into farmlands destroying Crops,high rate of wild fires destroying millions of Dollars worth of food crops.

Bacteria and other disease pathogens spread and become very active during warm temperatures, generally temperatures are getting warm due to the impact of Green house emissions.

Several millions of Dollars worth of Homes have been destroyed by high levels of flooding and wide fires.

The level of visibility is dropping by the day as can be seen in major cities around the world, leading to high rates of accidents.

Damage to Electric grids by Flooding,Strong winds, wild Bush fire etc.

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Answer: Erosion can be harmful to a person's property, causing a negative effect since the person must have paid for the land and the risk of injury if it forms a manhole.


Hope this helps!

Notice that at the divergent boundary, the crust is experiencing tensional stress, which is causing a normal fault that results in seismic activity, and that the volcanic activity is caused by upwelling of mafic lavas from the mantle. On the other hand, convergent boundaries are the result of compression stresses leading to plate collisions, which create numerous thrust and reverse faults that are responsible for seismic activity. Volcanic activity at convergent boundaries is created by andesitic lavas produced by the partial melting of a subducting plate. Which features and characteristics associated with divergent boundaries and which not, will you determine?



In a divergent plate boundary, two plates move away from one another. Due to this divergent movement of plates, seafloor spreading takes place in the ocean basin along the mid-oceanic ridge and rifting take place in the continental areas. Due to the stretching of the crust, the lithosphere becomes thin, and with more progressive spreading, it results in the eruption of magma at the seafloor. This magma is basaltic in nature, that reaches the surface due to the force exerted by the uprising magma forming convection cells in the mantle. This type of plate motion results in the expansion of the ocean basin and the rift valley in the continental areas forms seas and oceans with increasing time.

The rocks that are formed at the mid-oceanic ridge are the youngest as the magma cools and solidifies very rapidly here. With further moving away from this spreading center the age of the rocks increases.

The divergent plate boundaries are also responsible for the occurrence of deep-focus earthquakes, and it also leads to the formation of volcanoes in its adjacent sides.

Final answer:

Divergent and convergent boundaries exhibit different features and characteristics. Divergent boundaries are associated with tensional stress, normal faults, and volcanic activity from mafic lavas. Convergent boundaries experience compression stress, create thrust and reverse faults, and exhibit volcanic activity from andesitic lavas.


Divergent boundaries are characterized by tensional stress, resulting in normal faults and seismic activity. This type of boundary is also associated with volcanic activity caused by the upwelling of mafic lavas from the mantle. On the other hand, convergent boundaries are the result of compression stresses, leading to plate collisions. These boundaries create thrust and reverse faults and are responsible for seismic activity. Volcanic activity at convergent boundaries is caused by andesitic lavas produced by the partial melting of a subducting plate.

Learn more about Plate Boundaries here:


4. Atmospheric Loss ProcessesThe Earth and Venus enjoy thick atmospheres, while the Moon and Mercury are airless. Mars presents an intermediary case.

(a) Describe the three primary mechanisms for atmospheric loss.

(b) In the distant past, Mars had a thicker atmosphere, surface liquid water, and was likely habitable. Why do we think Mars lost most of its atmosphere?



As explained below.


  • The earth and venus are two planes both of them share the same geologic history but the environment on venus is district as the rotation of the planet is fast as compared to earth and has a very rugged and dry landscape now.  
  • The picture of mars and moon and repeaters and intermediate cases, of dryness and loss of original atmosphere by solar winds. Primary is solar winds and degassing of the crust of rocks  
  • Mars too had a thick atmosphere filled with water vapor and oceans and was a habitable planet like earth but after some point of time mars chemical and physical properties changes to a certain extent that now most of 95% of the atmosphere was filled with carbon dioxide and 2.6% of nitrogen, presence of dust methane and other harmful greenhouse gases are in abundance
  • Due to heavy bombardment period and erosion of rocky mass by sun and celestial bodies.

Explain how catalytic converters, Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards, and ethanol reduced air polluting emissions from vehicles.




Catalytic converters are used as an exhaust emission control device and are used to remove toxic gases and products by catalyzing the redox reactions.

The Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards were set of rules enacted in the USA to increase the efficiency of fuel engines and hence to reduce the emission rates .

The ethanol as compared to the conventional gasoline emits 50 per cent or lesser greenhouse gases to the environment .

1. Calculate the angle of the noon sun above the horizon right here at Placerita Canyon, which is at ~34N. Use the analemma on the next page to find the declination of the sun for today’s date. Make sure you identify today’s date! SA = 90º - AD SA is the solar altitude AD is the arc distance between your latitude and that of today’s declination of the sun


Final answer:

To calculate the noon sun's angle above the horizon at Placerita Canyon, identify today's date and find the corresponding solar declination using the analemma. Next, calculate the arc distance (AD) by subtracting this declination from 34°N, and finally subtract the AD from 90° to get the solar altitude (SA). This gives you the sun's angle above the horizon at noon.


To calculate the angle of the noon sun above the horizon at a location of approximately 34°N latitude, given that the solar altitude (SA) is 90º minus the arc distance (AD). Start with the latitude of 34°N. Identify today's date and find the corresponding declination of the sun using the analemma. Subtract this value from 34°N (or vice versa depending on which is greater) for the AD. Finally, subtract the AD from 90° to get the SA.

For example, if today's declination of the sun was 23°N: AD = 34°N - 23°N = 11°, then SA = 90º - 11º = 79º. So, at noon the sun would be 79 degrees above the horizon at Placerita Canyon if today's date corresponds to a declination of 23°N.

Learn more about Solar Altitude Calculation here:



The latitude at which the noon sun is directly overhead is defined as the sun's declination. For example, if the sun appears directly overhead at 20°N latitude, the sun's declination is thus 20°N. Figure 7-3, known as analemma, shows the declination of the sun throughout the year. Thus, if you would like to know where the sun will be directly overhead on September 20, you can look on the analemma and find that it will be at 1°N. Given the declination, the noon sun angle at a particular latitude on any given day can be calculated.

Figure 7-3. The analemma, a graph illustrating the latitude of the overhead noon sun throughout the year.

Figure 7-4 shows that for each degree of latitude that the place is away from the latitude where the noon sun is overhead (declination), the angle of noon sun becomes one degree lower from being vertical (or 90°) above the horizon. Noon sun angle for any given latitude on any given day can be calculated using the following equation:

Noon Sun Angle = 90° - (Latitude +/- Declination)

In this equation, use " - " when the latitude and declination are on the same hemisphere and use " + " when they are on the opposite hemispheres. For example, on April 11, the declination is 8°N, the noon sun angle at Springfield, Illinois (40N) on April 11, therefore, should be 58° (90° - (40°N - 8°N).

Figure 7-4. Noon sun angle calculation. The example in this figure illustrates how to calculate the noon sun angle for a city 40° north of the equator (like Springfield, Illinois) on December 22.


Based on Figure 7-3, the sun shifts its position between which two important latitudes (find the terminologies for these two latitudes in Fig. 7-4). (2 points)

Using the analemma (Fig. 7-3), determine the declinations on each of the following dates. (6 points)

August 10 _________________

September 21 _______________

June 21 ______________

October 15 ____________

December 22 ______________

March 21 _________________

Calculate the noon sun angle in Grayslake, Illinois on each of the dates listed below. (6 points)

Noon Sun Angle in Grayslake on

August 10 _________________

September 21 _______________

June 21 ______________

October 15 ____________

December 22 ______________

March 21 _________________

Obtain the average temperature in Grayslake on each of the dates listed below using a weather station online. (6 points)

Average Temperature in Grayslake on:

August 10 ________________

September 21 _______________

June 21 _____________

October 15 ____________

December 22 ______________

March 21 _________________

Plot the noon sun angle and temperature on each of the dates you obtained in Questions 3-4 on the graph provided below and connect your temperature and noon sun angle plots using smooth lines. Discuss the relationship between noon sun angles and average temperature in Grayslake throughout the year based on your graph. Use the right vertical axis to show temperature variation from -30° F at bottom and +105° F on top (label temperature value at equal amount interval in between: 2 units for every 5°F). Use the left vertical axis to show noon sun angle, with 0° at the bottom and 90°F on top (label noon sun angle value at equal amount intervals in between: every 3 units per 10°). (4 points)



Figure 7-5. Variation of temperature and noon sun angle in Grayslake.

brief paragraph summarizing the yearly movement of the overhead noon sun and how the intensity of insolation aries in Grayslake throughout the year. (2 points)

Calculate the maximum, minimum, and average noon sun angles at the place in Grayslake. Show your calculations. (3 points)

Maximum noon sun angle:

Minimum noon sun angle:

Average noon sun angle:

When the noon sun is directly overhead a ship in the Pacific Ocean on October 16, the ship's latitude is _____________. Explain your answer. (2 points)

Define the following terms: Ecology, Ecosystem, Organism, Population and Community. Long description for all terms please Please type it out! Hand written is hard to read or interpretate




Ecology: It is the discipline of biology. It studies the interaction between the organisms and their interaction with their non-living physical environment.  It suggests that what factors influence the distribution and abundance of organisms.

Ecosystem: It is a biotic community in which living beings interact with their non-living physical environment. In other words the ecosystem is a place where living beings (biotic factors) interact with the non-living beings (abiotic factor).

Organism: An organism is an individual which belongs to a particular species or life form. An organism perform functions necessary to survive. It exhibit features of living being. The example of organism includes the plants, animals, fungi, and others.

Population: It is a group of members of the same species which are capable of reproducing and producing viable fertile offsprings. The population may vary in functional and morphological forms.

Community: A community is a group of two or more distinct species. These species interact among themselves so as to survive and performing functional roles in the ecosystem. For example, plants provide food to animals in return the animals disperse the seeds of the animals.