How does society influence what people want?


Answer 1


Society influences peoples wants by trying to have better things than the other person and trying to have more. Everyone wants what the other person has and when too many people have something then they try to get a better thing.


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Women's right varied from their social status. Royal women were able to participate in politics and economics. Where as women of low status were housewives, they just had children and cleaned. but in the early periods women respected more than men! 

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It can make a person feel better about themselves. They feel more powerful, like they are better than everyone else. Their insecurities are hidden by their mask of dominance and control over everyone. 
Maybe it's because they have a low self esteem and it's the only way they can feel better about themselves. 

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I think it's the inner core of the Earth where the lava is secured inside, so hope this helps because where else can the lava stay in, only the inner core of this planet:)

Is adding food coloring and oil into water is it a chemical or physical change?


That's a physical change. There are no chemicals reacting with each other, it's the simple presence of concentration of food colouring and oil in water that changes its appearance.
Both are physical. it's not changing the actual substances; by adding food coloring, you still have water. the formula for the compound hasn't changed, and you can separate the food coloring from the water. They aren't bonded together 

As for boiling water, that's just changing the state of the water. if you cool the water down, it'll change back to a liquid.  

7. Today many Iroquois live on



they tend to live on reservations

hope this helps :)