The major job of floor leaders is toA. oversee House sessions.
B. prevent filibusters.
C. veto bills.
D. gather party members' votes for
upcoming bills.​


Answer 1

The correct answer is D; Gather party members' votes for upcoming bills.

Further Explanation:

The floor leaders are voted into the position by their party members on the first day of their session. Each house has their own floor leaders. The floor leaders help to gather votes for their own party. Even though most of the politicians vote on party lines, many times they will vote for the other party during certain times. It is the leaders who will try to sway the voters to stay in line and vote for the party or sway the other side from voting with their party.

There are two floor leaders at all times. They are the majority and minor floor leaders. Which ever party has more members will be the majority with the lesser members having the minority role.

Learn more about floor leaders at


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Rural roads are _______ at night. A. brightly lit B. poorly lit C. always unlit D. much safer


Rural roads are  (B) poorly lit at night and hence it is not safe to drive on rural roads at night time


Rural Roads are Poorly lit and hence result in decreased visibility.The  Drivers have to depend on their headlights for visibility in such conditions , which means that dangers coming  from the either side can  not be seen as readily. Visibility is extremely narrow and limited in rural areas .

  • Headlights can be a help  but if drivers are using high beams, they can be blinding to oncoming traffic. Drivers must dim their lights when driving into areas where other cars are present.
  • some common Hazards in the road are objects, animals, and debris—can be more difficult to see at night, especially given the limited scope of headlights.

Rural roads are typically poorly lit at night. This is due to lesser infrastructure than urban areas. However, illumination can vary and it is not accurate to say rural roads are always unlit, brightly lit, or much safer at night.

Options A, B, C, and D refer to the state of rural roads at night. The most applicable statement would be B: rural roads are poorly lit at night. This is because rural areas often lack the extensive street lighting found in urban environments. However, not all rural roads are always unlit, and illumination can vary based on factors such as local infrastructure or the presence of vehicles and other light sources. Therefore, saying rural roads are 'always unlit' would not be accurate. Similarly, describing rural roads as 'brightly lit' or 'much safer' at night does not align with usual conditions in many rural areas.

Learn more about Illumination here:


Why is under age drinking so bad please write some Paragraphs take as long as you want


It won’t let me show you the paragraph but I wrote it on a document and took a screenshot of it


What is being signaled when you hear 5 short blasts from another vessel’s horn?



(At least five) short, quick impacts are utilized to flag threat or to flag that you don't comprehend or you can't help contradicting the other boater's expectations.


Inland guidelines utilize sound signs to demonstrate purpose to move and a reaction ought to be gotten. In worldwide standards the signs are given when the move is being executed.  

Vessels show their aim to move by utilizing sound signs. In the event that you don't concur with or see unmistakably what the other vessel's expectations are, you should sound the peril or uncertainty signal (5 short, fast impacts). Every vessel should then slow or stop until signals for safe passing are sounded, comprehended and consented to.  

The risk or uncertainty sign can likewise be utilized to tell another vessel that its activity is perilous. On the off chance that a pontoon is backing up into a block you would sound the risk sign to caution the administrator.  

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it let both Male and female vote

In biomechanics, what creates linear and rotary motion?


Answer: Force

That is, of course, if you had the multiple-choice as I did,


I took the test and got it correct

hope this helps; sorry it's late