Jefferson belonged to the democrat-Republicans who supported


Answer 1

Answer:The Decentralisation of power,they want more powers given to the States.

Explanation: Thomas Jefferson was the Washington's secretary of state during the presidency of George Washington,he co-founded the Democratic-Republican party in the year 1790. He has a strong support from the local people who are mainly farmers, Thomas Jefferson saw America more as a confederation and wanted a less power federal government as opposed to the Hamilton group who want more powerful federal government. The present day Democratic party evolved from 'Jeffersson's party' called Democratic-Republican party.

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By the principle of check and balances, it is reassured that any branch of government or political group concentrates power in its hands.

The Congress has the power to overturn Supreme Court ruling, impeach the president, conduct trials and remove officers from the others branches of government.

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True. It was a massive blow and indirectly allowed for the colonization of the Americas by predominantly English.




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State government and the federal government (apex)

A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all people would have rights equal to those of all citizens. As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more constitutional restrictions against the states than had applied before the Civil War.

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the Southern Colonies because the Southern Colonies has very good,rich soil, good sunlight and plantations. Also,a lot of useful water and other natural resources that are not found in the Middle or New England colonies.