According to the passage, what were the benefits of the Green Revolution for China and India? They did not have to pay for research, irrigation, or fertilizer. They no longer needed to fear famine thanks to new high-yield rice varieties. They could grow new types of food instead of relying on grains like rice. They were able to do away with IR8 rice and no longer had to fear famine.


Answer 1

You don't show the passage, but according to an excerpt I've seen, I'd go with the answer: They no longer needed to fear famine thanks to new high-yield rice varieties.

"The Green Revolution" refers to Green Revolution refers to advances in agricultural practices that began in Mexico in the 1940s, and spread from there to other countries around the world in the 1950s and 1960s, The Green Revolution had a huge impact on developing agricultural economies, enabling significantly increased production per acre.

The beginnings of the movement, in Mexico, had support from not only the Mexican government, but also the U.S. government, the United Nations, and other organizations and foundations. A key figure in spearheading new approaches to agriculture in Mexico was Norman Borlaug, an American scientist with a PhD in plant pathology and genetics. He had begun agricultural research in Mexico in the 1940s, developing disease-resistant, high-yield wheat.

In 1961, when India was facing the potential of massive famine, Borlaug was invited to India to help with renovation of agricultural methods there.

The IR8 variety of rice was developed in the 1960s in the Philippines. The Republic of the Philippines government, along with the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, established the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). IR8 rice was introduced in 1966, and had an enormous impact not only on agriculture in the Philippines, but then India and China and elsewhere also.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The Green Revolution brought significant benefits to China and India through the development of high-yield rice and wheat varieties, increased use of fertilizers and improved irrigation, which led to increased agricultural productivity and reduced risk of famine. India even became a net exporter of wheat due to these advancements. However, sustainability issues and social inequalities were unintended side effects of these changes.


The benefits of the Green Revolution for China and India included the development of high-yield rice and wheat varieties. These crops were the result of agricultural research led by figures such as Norman Borlaug, and they significantly reduced the risk of famine by doubling crop yields. The Green Revolution also incorporated the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, and the improvement of irrigation systems, which greatly increased food production and made China and India more self-sufficient in terms of grain production.

However, the revolution had lasting effects beyond just increased yields. In India, for example, the use of improved wheat led to the country becoming a net exporter of the grain. This was bolstered by the additional use of fertilizers, irrigation, and machinery. The introduction of high-yield varieties (HYVs) of grains mitigated the pressure to convert additional land into farmland, thereby preserving ecological balances.

Despite the above benefits, the Green Revolution was not without criticism. Concerns rose regarding the long-term sustainability of increased water use for irrigation, and social issues like inequality and farmer debt were exacerbated as agricultural practices became more capital- and energy-intensive.

Learn more about Green Revolution here:


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The main way in which Native American religious beliefs were similar to the religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia is that both cultures wrote epic poems about their gods.

Final answer:

Both the Native American and the ancient Mesopotamian cultures were characterized by polytheism, involvement in anthropomorphizing their gods, practicing of ritualistic sacrifices, often of blood, to appease the gods, and they shared a dread of divine wrath and consequent misfortune.


The religious beliefs of Native Americans and ancient Mesopotamians had several similarities, particularly in their polytheistic nature and association with nature elements.

  • Polytheism: Both cultures worshipped multiple gods, usually associated with different aspects of nature. For instance, among the Mesopotamians, there were gods of the sun, fertility, wind, and rain. Similarly, ancient Native Americans revered various deities often represented by animals or elements of nature.
  • Anthropomorphic Deities: Both cultures anthropomorphized their gods, attributing them with human traits and emotions.
  • Belief in Sacrifices: Both cultures were of the belief that they had been created to serve the gods. Part of this service included making sacrifices, including ritualistic blood sacrifices in some extreme cases, believed to keep the gods appeased and to prevent calamities.
  • Dread of the Gods: There was a collective belief that misfortune was a manifestation of the gods’ displeasure, causing fear of offending the gods among both cultures.

Learn more about Religious beliefs here:
