Jin is a conflict theorist sociologist. Which of the following statements about Occupy Wall Street would most align with Jin’s sociological perspective?


Answer 1


a. Occupy Wall Street is positive; our capitalist economy is only making social inequality grow larger.


Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts occur when wealth, prestige, and power are distributed unevenly among groups within society and these conflicts created environment for social change. The theory is deeply rooted in Karl Marx's philosophy, which centered on the causes and consequences of the (proliferate) class conflict between the capitalist and working class.

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How can we protect the environment?


we can protect our environment  by reducing pollution and many others things.

Or by not throwing trash in the street or companies should reduce the number of cars on gasoline. Stop smoking is another choice of breathing oxygen instead of inhaling smoke.

How bullies deal with interpersonal conflict


Bullying refers to a repeated and systematic mistreatment of others - so a bully would deal with a conflict in a way that is harmful to others. A bully would then go beyond trying to win a conflict, but would also for example verbally (or even physically) abuse the bullied person, or engage in harmful practices such as gossiping, work sabotage and humiliation.

Bullies would use harmful and violating methods to deal with interpersonal conflicts. He might turn to use violence to prove or establish a personal agenda. This is due to the fact that has been conditioned to respond in an aggressive manner during the conflict.

Further Explanation:

Bullying is unwanted and aggressive behavior among children in school that involves a perceived power imbalance. This behavior among children is repeated, or it has the potential to be ‘repeated’ over time. It has serious and lasting impacts or problems on both, the one who is bullied or one who bully others.

In order to consider bullying, an individual’s behavior must be aggressive that includes:

  1. IMBALANCE OF POWER:An individual who bully use power such as harm or control others, physical strength, or access to ‘embarrassing’ information. It changes and varies in different situations with time.
  2. REPETITION: This type of behavior happens more than once and has the potential to happen again.

Learn More:

1. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts,


2. Though the outcomes of the Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common? The government has a heavy burden to prove harm. The government can limit speech that causes harm. The government has unlimited power to limit speech. The government must follow the first amendment.


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Bullying

Subject: Social Studies


bullies, interpersonal conflicts, imbalance of power, behavior, bullying, physical strength, information

What is the meaning of good friday


The meaning of good Friday is : The Friday before Easter Sunday

I hope that's help and have a great night !

It's a Christian religion to celebrate the crusifixsion of Jesus Christ (the death of Jesus Christ ) when he died on the cross but peoplegive half price off good Friday

When glaciers melt, they leave ridges of rock, gravel, sand, and clay called _______.a. moraines
b. cirques
c. drumlins
d. eskers


 according to the text book is  a. moraines

When glaciers melt, they leave ridges of rock, gravel, sand, and clay called _______. The answer is A. Moraines.

In an intermediate risk driving environment, you should maintain at least a __ second search in front of the vehicle and an effective space cushion.



12 second


According to my research on Driving Safety, I can say that based on the information provided within the question in an intermediate risk driving environment you should maintain at least a 12 second space between cars.

Intermediate risk driving is an environment that includes controlled intersections and normal traffic in which cars are traveling less than 55 miles per hour

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.

Final answer:

In an intermediate risk driving environment, a driver should maintain a 15- to 20-second scan ahead of the vehicle and keep a safe buffer zone around the vehicle, much like how an approaching ambulance siren alerts one to clear its path.


In an intermediate risk driving environment, it's generally advised to maintain a 15- to 20-second search in front of your vehicle. This means you should be scanning the road and your surroundings to anticipate potential hazards about 15 to 20 seconds ahead of where your vehicle currently is. Along with this, you should keep an effective space cushion or buffer zone around your vehicle to safely react to unexpected situations. Just like how you would be able to hear a Doppler shift in an ambulance siren, indicating its approach and whether you need to pull over, a similar alertness is needed for detecting and reacting to potential risks while driving.

Learn more about Driving Safety here:



The collection of values, customs, and language established by the group or groups that traditionally have controlled politics and government in a society best defines which type of culture.





Culture refers to the laws, customs, beliefs, thoughts, values, traditions, habits and other human practices which they held collectively. When different cultural communities co-habited any spatial surroundings, the cultural group whose values and norms dominate the other subordinate groups is called the dominant culture. For example, the culture of Europeans dominated the culture of colonies in the eighteenth and nineteenth century.