An argument that is missing a part--either a premise or a conclusion--is called... a. An extended argument. b. An incomplete argument. c. An enthymeme. d. A fallacy.


Answer 1


option C                          


An argumentative assertion wherein the author or spokesperson ignores one of the large or small assumptions, does not express it explicitly or suggests this assumption is called an "enthymeme." Nevertheless the excluded premise in an enthymeme remains recognizable even though it is not articulated clearly.

Enthymeme is a rhetorical device such as syllogism, and is known as truncated syllogism or rhetoric. The goal is to influence the audience, and make inferences for them. It is easy to recognise such inferences as these comments occur after "because."

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At a detention hearing, a judge decides whether a juvenile



should remain in custody.


The Detention hearing is conducted before the court decided whether the criminal offender is dangerous enough to stay free before their actual proceeding in court.

The decisions in detention hearing is determine by several factors such as:

- The severity of the crime

Dangerous Offenders such as perpetrators of assaults, arsons, or murder tend to be detained. While light offenders such as vandalism or bar fighting tend be allowed to get home with bail.

- The repetition

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Bill Belichick is the coach of the New England Patriots football team. As a successful coach, he has to schedule structured practices, emphasize careful planning, and assign tasks. He also has to show the players that he genuinely cares about them as people. According to the Blake and Mouton grid, Belichick’s leadership style would be characterized as ____.



Team management


Team management is to administer and make a group of people to coordinate in order to get an activity done by the individual as a whole.

Team management involves communicating with the individuals, setting goals for the individuals to achieve the overall goal of the team.

It also involves praising and motivating the team members.

Final answer:

According to the Blake and Mouton grid, Bill Belichick's leadership style can be characterized as a team leader - displaying high concern for both task accomplishment and the welfare of his team members.


According to the Blake and Mouton grid, Bill Belichick would likely be characterized as a team leader. This means he exhibits a high concern for both task accomplishment and the welfare of his team members. His actions, such as structured practices, careful planning, and assigning tasks, demonstrate his goal-oriented nature and focus on task accomplishment, which is characteristic of the Blake and Mouton model's team leader style. Additionally, his genuine care for his players as individuals is indicative of his high concern for people - another characteristic of a team leader. However, different leadership styles can be effective in different situations, and an individual's preferred leadership style may vary in different areas of their life, such as in a classroom, a workplace, or a sports team.

Learn more about Leadership Style


Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which peoplea. disguise threatening impulses by attributing them to othersb. banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousnessc. offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but threatening unconscious reasons for actiond. retreat to behavior patterns characteristic of a more infantile stage of development


Answer: Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which people

b. ) banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness


Repression refers to the defense mechanism wherein people remove uncomfortable events to inaccessible areas of the unconscious mind. This can be defined as deliberately "pushing away the uncomfortable" hoping they will disappear or be able to be dealt with at another time.

Final answer:

Repression is a defense mechanism in psychology that involves banishing anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness. It is an unconscious protective behavior that aims to reduce ego anxiety.


Repression is a defense mechanism in psychology that involves banishing anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness. It is an unconscious protective behavior that aims to reduce ego anxiety. When certain events or feelings cause anxiety, our unconscious mind uses repression to keep those thoughts and memories from surfacing into conscious awareness.

Thus, repression refers to the act of suppressing, controlling, or restraining something, often used in the context of restricting freedom, suppressing dissent, or dealing with unwanted thoughts or emotions. For example, slips of the tongue can be seen as a manifestation of unconscious desires that accidentally slip out of our unconscious.

Learn more about Repression here:


In hopes of finding a route to Asia,_____ started the first school to teach sailors about oceanic navigation, mapmaking, and more. He sponsored 14 expeditions in 12 years to try to navigate to _____. Finally,_____ was able to successfully complete the journey. This became a stepping stone to find a maritime route to Asia.


In hopes of finding a route to Asia,Prince Henry started the first school to teach sailors about oceanic navigation, mapmaking, and more.  He sponsored 14 expeditions in 12 years to try to navigate Cape Bojador on the coast now Western Sahara.Finally, Gil Eannes was able to successfully complete the journey. This became a stepping stone to find a maritime route to Asia.

In hopes of finding a route to Asia, Prince started the first school to teach sailors about oceanic navigation, mapmaking, and more. He sponsored 14 expeditions in 12 years to try to navigate to Cape Bojador on the coast now Western Sahara. Finally, Gil Eannes was able to successfully complete the journey. This became a stepping stone to find a maritime route to Asia.

This is further explained below.

What is Cape Bojador ?

Generally,  Cape Abu Kha'ar ( ) translates to "father of danger" in Arabic. How the Spanish word "Bojador" is pronounced.

In conclusion, Prince established the first school to instruct sailors in sea navigation, mapmaking, and other topics in the hopes of locating a passage to Asia. In 12 years, he funded 14 missions in an effort to reach Cape Bojador on the coast of what is now Western Sahara. Gil Eannes finally succeeded in finishing the journey. This served as a springboard for the discovery of a sea route to Asia.

Read more about Cape Bojador


Which of the following is the BEST explanation of how each state is given their electoral college "value"?A. It is the total number of Congressmen or women from the state serving in the House of Representatives and Senate
B. The number is predetermined by the Constitution. In the Constitution each state is assigned their electoral college votes
C. Congress determines each year how many electoral college votes each state will receive



A. It is the total number of Congressmen or women from the state serving in the House of Representatives and Senate


The electoral college has a total of 538 electors.

These electors represent the number of house representatives plus the two senators that each state has. The District of Columbia, which is not a state, and does not have congressional representation, is also given 3 electors, the same as the least populated state: Wyoming, which also has 3 electors (1 for 1 representative, and 2 for 2 senators).